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Interagency Ecological Program Workshops Documents

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2024 IEP Workshop Day 2 Transcript
Transcript files for the 2024 IEP Workshop
Joab, C.
2024 IEP Workshop Day 1 Transcript
Transcript file for the 2024 IEP Workshop
Joab, C.
2024 IEP Workshop Day 3 Transcript
Transcript file for the 2024 IEP Workshop
Joab, C.
2024 IEP Data Training Transcript
Transcript file for the Data Training Course
Joab, C.
Big Plans for Big Notch: Adaptive Management in Action
2024 IEP Poster Session
Smith, B., D. Finger, J. Jenkins and H. Mico
Pilot Experimental Gillnet Study to Inform an Enhanced Large Fish Study in the San Francisco Estuary
2024 IEP Poster Session
Mitoma, T., A. Ortega, D. Stompe and J. Hobbs
Forty years of paired trawls highlight shifts in longfin smelt catch
2024 IEP Poster Session
Kalmbach, A., S. Acuna and J. Hassrick
Coming Through! Fish utilize environmental infrastructure to avoid stranding
2024 IEP Poster Session
Jenkins, J.
The newly constructed tidal channels evolved over a relatively short period of time (2 years post-breach) including shifts in water quality, aquatic food web production, and fish use.
2024 IEP Poster Session
Karpenko, K., L. Cordner, S. Blankenship, C. Dean, R. Mager, M. Ferrell and J. Merz
Developing Batch Tagging Techniques for Cultured Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus)
2024 IEP Poster Session
Alper, B., T. Tempel, C. Hung, L. Ellison, T. Stevenson, J. Hobbs and L. Lewis
Otolith-Based Age, Growth, and Life History of Adult Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
2024 IEP Poster Session
Alper, B., A. Lama, S. Araya, A. Scott, N. Floros, M. Willmes, J. Hobbs and L. Lewis
This or SPATT? Designing a cyanotoxin monitoring program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
2024 IEP Poster Session
Cone, K., A. Hansen, T. Kraus, C. Sturgeon, J. Westrick and Bouma-Gregson, K.
Hunting for Unicorns: using otolith-based tools to identify the elusive 2-year old Delta Smelt
2024 IEP Poster Session
Chung, C., A. Robbins, J. Hobbs, S. Teh, B. Hammock and L. Lewis
Temporal dynamics of sperm motility in endangered delta smelt, threatened longfin smelt, and introduced wakasagi
2024 IEP Poster Session
Rahman, M. M. and T. C. Hung
Correlations Between Pesticide Presence, Stream Flows, and Land Usage in the Yolo Bypass
2024 IEP Poster Session
Uychutin, M., J. L. Orlando, M. L. Hladik, C. J. Sanders, E. LaBarbera, M. De Parsia, L. Twardochleb, M. Miner, E. Holmes and B. Davis
Assessing Invertebrate Community Level Resistance to Insecticides in the San Francisco Bay Delta
2024 IEP Poster Session
Polunina-Proulx, I., E. Wallace, R. Connon, M. Lydy and H. Poynton
Science for Communities Event: Lessons Learned and Determining Future Pathways for Environmental Justice Participatory Research in the Delta
2024 IEP Poster Session
Thomson, M., H. Chaney and M. Koller
Pre-screen Loss and Entrainment Scenarios for Juvenile Longfin Smelt in Dry Years: Preliminary Insights from Surrogate Mark-Recapture Experiments
2024 IEP Poster Session
Castillo, G. and W. Griffiths
Food limitation: a likely driver of seasonal transitions of key copepods in San Francisco Estuary
2024 IEP Poster Session
Slaughter, A., T. Ignoffo, M. Jungbluth and W. Kimmerer
Update: Image Analysis of Zooplankton to Fill Gaps in Food Webs of Fishes
2024 IEP Poster Session
Ignoffo, T., A. Slaughter, M. Jungbluth and W. Kimmerer
Gaining Control: How monitoring outside of experimental years provides context for past North Delta Food Subsidy actions
2024 IEP Poster Session
Evans, A., A. C. Evans, L. Olson, M. Miner and E. Holmes
Spawning and Rearing Habitat of Longfin Smelt in a Dynamic Estuary
2024 IEP Poster Session
Miller, J., V. Tobias and S. Detwiler
Making genetic species identification accessible to all Bay-Delta scientists: pilot implementation of SHERLOCK for rapid, non-invasive identification of Delta Smelt
2024 IEP Poster Session
Kolm, N., R. Nagarajan, R. Cook, D. Goodman, B. Mahardja, T. Senegal and A. Schreier
Feasibility of Acoustic Telemetry in Delta Smelt
2024 IEP Poster Session
Gonzales, S., E. D. Chapman, D. E. Cocherell, Z. D. Deng, J. L. Hassrick, A. E. Steel, R. Wilder and N. A. Fangue
Bringing the Fish Restoration Program's Continuous Water Quality Data to Life - Data Pipeline, Processing and Visualization
2024 IEP Poster Session
Mendonsa, E., D. M. Cox and B. Armstrong
Interagency Ecological Program 2024 Annual Workshop Program Schedule
2024 IEP Annual Workshop Program (Short Version)
Joab, C.
2024 IEP Annual Workshop Program
2024 IEP Annual Workshop Program
Joab, C.
Data Management, Visualization, and Access Workshop Agenda and Bios
Agenda and Bios document for Data Training Course
Pien, C.
Frequently Asked Questions About the IEP Workshop
FAQ document on IEP Workshop
Joab, C.
Interagency Ecological Program 2024 Annual Workshop Abstracts
Talk and Abstract Booklet for the 2024 Workshop
Interagency Ecological Program
Data Management, Visualization, and Access Workshop Flyer
Flyer for the Data Training Course at the 2024 IEP Workshop
Pien, C.
Call for Art 2024 Workshop
Call for art at the 2024 Workshop
Kwan, N.
California Natural Resources Building Area Guide
Area guide for parking and restauarants
Hartman, R.
Principles of Organization for the Annual IEP Workshop
Interagency Ecological Program
IEP Workshop Planning Committee Role and Responsibilities
Joab, C., Culberson, S.
2024 Planning Committee Calendar
Calendar for the 2024 Workshop Planning Committee
Joab, C.
Rapid Smelt Species Identification in the San Francisco Estuaryusing CRISPR-based Sherlock
Goodbla, Alisha M.
Modeling Habitat Suitability for Fishes and Macroinvertebrates in San Francisco Estuary Marshes
Alexander Scott
Developing an Integrated Web-Based Delta Data Exploration and Analytics Portal through Community Feedback and Contributions
Brendan Wakefield
Common Delta Base Map: Delta Aquatic Resources Inventory (DARI)
Cristina Grosso
Drivers of Dispersion and Mixing in the Sacramento Deepwater Shipping Channel
Leah Lenoch
The IEP's Ability to Provide Science Supporting Adaptive Management of the Delta
Delta Independent Science Board
Vegetation mapping and monitoring at wetland restoration sites in the Delta and Suisun Marsh
Aicha Ougzin
Physics versus Biology: Implications for Predation on Juvenile salmon
John Wikert
Sunny with a chance of nutria: modeling invasive species habitat with data from an eradication program
Vanessa Tobias
Nearshore Fishes of San Pablo and San Francisco Bays
Jacob Stagg
Conceptual Model of Predation and Survival (CMPAS)
Andrew Schultz
Boat electrofishing in the California Delta: species detection efficiency and role in long-term monitoring of the Delta fish community
Ryan Mckenzie
Diving into Summer Townet: Depth Logger and Flowmeter Variability in Townet Sampling
Timothy Malinich
Where Predators and Prey Meet: Anthropogenic Contact Points Between Fishes in a Freshwater Estuary
Brendan Lehman