Document Library
CDFW's Document Library is an online repository of thousands of documents.
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Recent Changes or Additions to the Document Library
Licensed Game Bird Club Renewal Notice, 9/19/2024 2:26 PM
Category: LRB-SpecialPermits, Subject: Game Bird Club Renewal Notice, Author: License and Revenue Branch
Current Vessel COFR with Insurance Report, 9/19/2024 2:09 PM
Category: OSPR-General, Subject: Certificate of financial responsibility current list, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Job Opportunity Bulletin, 9/19/2024 2:03 PM
Category: HRB-Templates, Subject: Vacancies, Author: Human Resources Branch
2081-2022-037-04-A2, 9/19/2024 1:35 PM
Category: CESA-Permitting, Subject: Region 4 Permits, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Salmonid Habitat Restoration Priorities (SHaRP) Action Plan for Four Lower Russian River Tributaries, 9/19/2024 1:08 PM
Category: Fisheries--CohoSalmon, Subject: Coho Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Restoration Plan, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA Fisheries
Dungeness crab Trap Limit Accounting - 10th Year, 9/19/2024 11:49 AM
Category: Marine, Subject: California Dungeness Crab Trap Limit Program, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildllife
Wildlife Rehabilitation Application Process, 9/19/2024 10:06 AM
Category: HumanDimensionsUnit, Author: CDFW
Summary of California Shark Incidents, 9/19/2024 8:24 AM
Category: Marine, Subject: shark incidents, Author: John Ugoretz
List of California Shark Incidents Since 1950, 9/19/2024 8:23 AM
Category: Marine, Subject: shark incidents, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region
Map of California Shark Incidents Since 1950, 9/19/2024 8:23 AM
Category: Marine, Subject: shark incidents, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region