Areas of Conservation Emphasis
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 28 |
Areas of Conservation Emphasis II (ACE II) is a compilation of statewide, spatial data addressing specific biological and recreational values, threats, and landscape considerations that can be used to identify areas of biological or conservation interest in the landscape. The documents here describe the data and modeling process used for this project.
| |
Regional Advance Mitigation
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 33 |
tools and documents related to regional advance mitigation
| |
Director's Office
| 25 |
Documents related to aquaculture development and management
| |
Biogeographic Data Branch Documents
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 25 |
General BDB documents
| |
Biogeographic Data Branch Conservation Analysis
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 323 |
Conservation analysis project documents
| |
Bay Delta Conservation Plan
Water Branch
| 3 |
This Category provides BDCP draft documents, including EIR/EIS and BDCP chapters and technical appendices, for Department review and comment.
| |
WFD Beaver Restoration and Nutria Eradication Programs
Wildlife and Fisheries Division
| 16 |
This category is where the Beaver Restoration and Nutria Eradication Programs (one unit) will store their public facing documents.
| |
Big-Game Management Account
Wildlife Branch
| 12 |
Documents will include project proposals (internal and external), project progress and final reports, and fiscal accounting for individual projects and overall for the account.
| |
Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS)
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 62 |
Biogeographic Information and Observation System
| |
Business Management Branch Forms
Business Management Branch
| 8 |
Completed forms archive for Business Management Branch forms
| |
Business Management Branch, Payable Grants Section
Business Management Branch
| 6 |
The documents that will be linked on this page are meant to be beneficial to the reader that might be unfamiliar with CDFW grant acronyms and terminology.
| |
Boating Access Grant Program
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 11 |
Grant Guidelines and Solicitation documents. Related Materials, including public meeting materials and grant program announcements
| |
Business Services and Contract Management Branch
Business Management Branch
| 2 |
Procurement, Property, Fleet, Facilities, Policies and Procedures, Forms, Records Management, Mailroom
| |
California Fishing Passport
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 38 |
California Fishing Passport documents
| |
Cannabis Restoration Grant Program
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 48 |
Documents in this category are supporting documentation for the Cannabis Restoration Grant Program, including announcements, solicitations, and photos. These files are typuically used for the Cannabis Restoration Grant Program web page.
| |
California Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Framework
Director's Office
| 1 |
Documents used in the implementation of the California Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Framework
| |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Regulation Change Proposals
Wildlife and Fisheries Division
| 393 |
Documents in this category are associated with Department rulemaking proposals under the Administrative Procedure Act. Typical documents include: Notices of Proposed Rulemaking, Initial Statements of Reasons (ISOR), Economic Impact Analyses, Economic and Fiscal Impact Statements (STD 399), Proposed Regulatory Language, and Final Statements of Reasons.
| |
CEQA Headquarters
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 27 |
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) policies, forms, documents, and reports
| |
CEQA Northern Region Coastal Conservation Planning Section
R1 - Northern Region
| 8 |
CEQA documents prepared by CCP Section with DFG as lead agency
| |
California Endangered Species Act Listing Documents
Wildlife Branch
| 31 |
California Endangered Species Act Listing Petition documents including petition evaluations, status reviews, public comments, peer reviews, and other related petition information.
| |
CESA Incidental Take Permitting
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 679 |
Guidance documents, procedures, and templates for the incidental take permitting program
| |
Cutting the Green Tape Program
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 88 |
Cutting the Green Tape Program documents
| |
CDFW Climate Task Force
| 36 |
CDFW Climate Task Force
| |
California Natural Diversity Database
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 98 |
Documents with important information about species tracked by the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB).
| |
Communications, Education and Outreach
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 408 |
Education, outreach and marketing materials, including publications, documents and images
| |
California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR)
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 1,789 |
California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR)
| |
Delta Conservation Framework
Water Branch
| 55 |
Information that relates to upcoming DCF public outreach planning efforts, in particular announcements, notes, and supplemental materials to be shared with planning partners and stakeholders for a series of workshops to be held between August – December 2016.
| |
The Director's Office
Director's Office
| 8 |
Directors documents
| |
Equal Employment Opportunity
Director's Office
| 55 |
Documents related to Equal Employment Opportunity
| |
Entity Due Diligence for Mitigation Lands
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 3 |
Documents associated with CDFW’s entity due diligence process for reviewing proposed land managers, conservation easement grantee, and endowment holders for mitigation lands.
| |
Ecosystem Restoration Program
Water Branch
| 2,091 |
The Ecosystem Restoration Program (ERP) is one of eleven program elements of the multi-agency CALFED Bay-Delta Program. The ERP’s implementing agencies are CDFW, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. This program element is intended to improve and increase aquatic and terrestrial habitats and improve ecological functions in the San Francisco Bay and Delta to support sustainable populations of diverse and valuable plant and animal species. Over the last thirteen years, ERP has funded over 500 restoration projects in the Bay, Delta, and associated tributaries in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. In addition to information concerning the ERP projects, this Document Library category contains information on the programmatic environmental documentation, outreach, and regional implementation plans.
| |
Ecosystem Restoration Program Bibliography
Water Branch
| 80 |
This bibliography references ERP Project deliverables that may interest the public or be useful for future studies.
| |
Fish and Game Commission Staff
Fish and Game Commission
| 4,410 |
Fish and Game Commission Documents
| |
Fisheries Branch
Fisheries Branch
| 186 |
Fisheries Branch
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Anadromous Salmonid Population Monitoring
Fisheries Branch
| 666 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with anadromus salmonid population monitoring
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Aquaculture & Importation
Fisheries Branch
| 17 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with aquaculture and importation of fish in CA
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Bay Delta Stamp
Fisheries Branch
| 2 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with the Bay Delta Stamp program
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Coho Salmon
Fisheries Branch
| 29 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with coho salmon
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Central Valley Angler Survey
Fisheries Branch
| 7 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with Central Valley angler survey
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Central Valley Chinook Salmon
Fisheries Branch
| 20 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with CA central valley Chinook salmon
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Drought Stressor Monitoring
Fisheries Branch
| 19 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with aquatic resource sampling efforts in response to drought.
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Fish Health Inland
Fisheries Branch
| 3 |
Documents, reports and data which deal with or produced by the fish health lab for inland fisheries
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Fish Passage
Fisheries Branch
| 8 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with fish passage issues in CA
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Fisheries Production & Distribution
Fisheries Branch
| 356 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with fish production and distribution
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Heritage & Wild Trout
Fisheries Branch
| 370 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with heritage and wild trout
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Lake & Reservoir Management
Fisheries Branch
| 62 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with lake & reservoir management
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Native Fish
Fisheries Branch
| 68 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with native fish
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Steelhead
Fisheries Branch
| 17 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with steelhead
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Stream Inventory Reports
Fisheries Branch
| 1,473 |
CDFW stream reports that document the current habitat conditions and recommend options for the potential enhancement of habitat. Category also includes CDFW Watershed Assessment reports completed by the Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program from 2003 to 2015.
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Sturgeon
Fisheries Branch
| 8 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with sturgeon
| |
Fisheries Branch -- Threatened Trout
Fisheries Branch
| 12 |
Documents, reports, and data which deal with threatened trout in CA
| |
Fish Passage Database - PAD data
Fisheries Branch
| 68 |
Used soley for the PAD application.
| |
CDFW Standard Forms and Templates
Business Management Branch
| 9 |
Contains standard forms used throughout the department for a variety of business needs, including forms from outside agencies such as DGS, SCO, DOF, SPB, DPA and others, plus forms created in-house to address specific additional needs.
| |
FRGP Projects - CHRPD Documents
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 1 |
This category holds all records submitted to FRGP which are associated with FRGP grants and available to the public.
| |
Fisheries Restoration Grant Program
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 116 |
Proposal Solicitation documents, Restoration Manual, project information, and other general documents, reports, and data pertinent to the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program
| |
Fisheries Restoration Grant Program - CEQA/Permits
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 73 |
Documents relating to FRGP CEQA
| |
Geographic Information Systems
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 15 |
GIS related documents: maps, standards, workflows, etc
| |
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 1 |
Habitat Conservation Branch
| |
HCPB Cannabis Documentation
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 26 |
Documents related to cannabis (not exclusively associated with LSA, CESA, or CEQA).
| |
Habitat Connectivity
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 11 |
tools and documents related to habitat connectivity
| |
HCPB Environmental Permitting Information Management System
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 18 |
Documents related to EPIMS
| |
HCPB Environmental Review and Permitting Program – HQ Internet & Intranet
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 5 |
Forms, documents, reports, flowcharts, and templates used for special programs/projects within the HCPB Environmental Review and Permitting Program (e.g. Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Act)
| |
HCPB Environmental Permitting Academy
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 53 |
HCPB is the lead on the Director’s initiative to increase the efficiency and consistency with environmental permitting related to CESA, LSA, and CEQA. HCPB will use this category to upload peer-reviewed journal articles (in .pdf format) pertaining to CESA listed species, for reference when drafting incidental take permits. PowerPoint presentations, word documents, and excel documents used in course instruction will also be uploaded and linked to Permitting Academy sections. HCPB will also upload exams and course reference materials here.
| |
HCPB Mitigation Lands
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 14 |
Documents related to real estate and land surveyor review of Mitigation Lands or Habitat Management Land Acquisition (HMLA) packages
| |
Historical Reports
| 5 |
Fish and Game Historical Reports
| |
CDFW Exams
Human Resources Branch
| 28 |
Information about CDFW Open, Transfer, Promotional and C.E.A exams. To apply for an exam, submit a Standard State Application Form (STD 678) postmarked no later than the final filing date. Mail exam applications to: CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Attn: Exam Unit, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090.
| |
Human Resources Branch Internet Resources
Human Resources Branch
| 54 |
This holds all the HRB Internet Resources for the department
| |
Human Resources Branch Memos
Human Resources Branch
| 214 |
This category will hold all HRB memos being sent out to the Department by the Human Resources Branch
| |
Human Resources Branch On Boarding
Human Resources Branch
| 2 |
This holds all the HRB On Boarding information for the department
| |
Human Resources Branch RPA Documents
Human Resources Branch
| 9 |
This holds all the RPA Documents for the department
| |
HRB Supervisory Toolkit
Human Resources Branch
| 53 |
All documents and forms associated with the HRB Supervisory Toolkit
| |
Human Resources Branch Template
Human Resources Branch
| 10 |
Containing standard template files to support Human Resources Branch functions.
| |
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Unit
Wildlife Investigations Lab (WIL)
| 63 |
This category contains scientific documents pertaining to various aspects of the human dimensions of wildlife conservation and natural resource management including social science research, data, documents, and reports.
| |
Human Resources Branch
Human Resources Branch
| 26 |
Human Resources Branch organization, policies, forms, reports and guidelines
| |
Interagency Ecological Program Website Files
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 361 |
Scientific reports and program documents pertaining to the Interagency Ecological Program
| |
Interagency Ecological Program Workshops
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 213 |
High-resolution posters pertaining to Interagency Ecological Program Workshops
| |
Information Technology Branch
Data and Technology Division (DTD)
| 3 |
IT documents, plans, policies, goals and guidelines
| |
Invasive Species Program Documents
Fisheries Branch
| 140 |
CDFW’s Invasive Species Program newsletters and other documents
| |
Information Technology Documentation
Data and Technology Division (DTD)
| 2 |
Documentation for products and services designed or supported by the Data and Technology Division
| |
Klamath Hydropower Settlement Agreement
R1 - Northern Region
| 2 |
Documents related to fulfilling environmental review statutory requirements for implementation of the Klamath Hydropower Settlement Agreement and the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.
| |
Klamath/Trinity Program Biological Information
Klamath / Trinity Program
| 147 |
Documents pertinent to the Klamath/Trinity Program, including historical documents, Trinity River Project and Klamath River Project annual reports, semi real time weir counts, semi real time hatchery returns, semi real time harvest estimates and reference materials related to the fisheries and restoration of the Klamath and Trinity Basins.
| |
Lands Program, Wildlife Branch, Articles
Wildlife Branch
| 44 |
Articles about CDFW wildlife areas and ecological reserves that have been published in “Outdoor California” and other publications.
| |
Comprehensive Wetland Habitat Program
Wildlife Branch
| 11 |
Applications for landowner enrollment, information on habitat management and restoration concepts
| |
Lands Grants
Wildlife Branch
| 7 |
Grants and documents in support of grants for the restoration, rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance of wildlife habitat including Pittman-Robertson Act, State Wildlife, and Landowner Incentive Program Grants
| |
Integrated Pest Management
Wildlife Branch
| 2 |
Pesticide application recommendations, management guidelines and training information
| |
Land Management Planning
Wildlife Branch
| 70 |
Land management plans; protocols, outlines, and templates for preparation of land management plans; land use policies; lease agreements on lands administered by CDFW
| |
Lands Maps
Wildlife Branch
| 349 |
Maps of CDFW Lands
| |
Lands Regulations
Wildlife Branch
| 2 |
Title 14 Lands Regulations (Sections 550, 551, 552, 630)
| |
Lands Regulations (Public)
Wildlife Branch
| 21 |
Regulations and related information for lands owned or managed by CDFW.
| |
Lands Resource Assessment
Wildlife Branch
| 32 |
Documents pertaining to the assessment of biotic and abiotic resources on lands administered by CDFW
| |
Law Enforcement Division
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 18 |
For LED personnel only. Sensitive documents for LED use will be posted, along with many forms that the officers use on a daily basis.
| |
Law Enforcement Division Citation Statistics
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 31 |
Yearly compilation of CDFW Law Enforcement citation statistics
| |
Law Enforcement Division Forms
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 5 |
Commonly used law enforcement forms
| |
Law Enforcement Division Oral History of Game Wardens
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 16 |
Historical CDFW Game Warden documents
| |
Law Enforcement Division Hunter Education Program
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 121 |
Documents for use by Hunter Education Instructors (HEIs). Forms instructors are required to use to teach state mandated classes, materials for hunter education classes, and the HEI Policy and Procedures manual
| |
Law Enforcement Division Policies and Procedures
Law Enforcement Division (LED)
| 1 |
Internal Law Enforcement policy manuals, procedure manuals, etc.
| |
Los Banos Wildlife Area Biological Inventory and Monitoring Project
Los Banos Wildlife Area
| 25 |
The biological staff of the Los Banos Wildlife Area conducts surveys including the inventory and monitoring of wildlife species and habitats. This category contains biological reports primarily for, but not necessarily limited to, surveys conducted on department-owned lands within the Los Banos Wildlife Area Complex.
| |
License and Revenue Branch License Agents
License and Revenue Branch
| 20 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with License Agents
| |
License and Revenue Branch Big Game Hunting
License and Revenue Branch
| 105 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with big game hunting
| |
License and Revenue Branch Commercial Fish Business
License and Revenue Branch
| 11 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with commercial fish business
| |
License and Revenue Branch Commercial Fishing
License and Revenue Branch
| 41 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with commercial fishing
| |
License and Revenue Branch General
License and Revenue Branch
| 5 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with all general LRB issues
| |
License and Revenue Branch Statistics
License and Revenue Branch
| 90 |
LRB statistics from fishing, hunting, commercial and special permit license sales
| |
License and Revenue Branch Special Permits
License and Revenue Branch
| 81 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with special permits.
| |
License and Revenue Branch Sport Fishing
License and Revenue Branch
| 10 |
License and Revenue Branch policies, rules, documents and forms
| |
License and Revenue Branch Waterfowl Hunting
License and Revenue Branch
| 12 |
LRB documents, reports, and data dealing with waterfowl hunting
| |
Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA): Headquarters
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 60 |
Lake and Streambed Alteration Headquarters Documents
| |
Marine Resources
R7 - Marine Region
| 3,238 |
Marine Resources
| |
Marine Region Diving Safety Program
R7 - Marine Region
| 1 |
Diving Safety Program Documents
| |
Marine Region Whale Safe Fisheries
R7 - Marine Region
| 146 |
Documents prepared in support of the Marine Region’s Whale Safe Fisheries project, including those related to implementation of the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program.
| |
Mitigation and Conservation Banking
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 52 |
Mitigation and Conservation Banking
| |
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 380 |
| |
Marine Life Protection Act Central Coast Study Region
R7 - Marine Region
| 125 |
| |
Marine Life Protection Act, General Documents
R7 - Marine Region
| 129 |
Documents, reports and data dealing with the overall MLPA process, not specific to a study region
| |
Marine Life Protection Act North Central Coast Study Region
R7 - Marine Region
| 137 |
| |
Marine Life Protection Act North Coast Study Region
R7 - Marine Region
| 202 |
| |
Marine Life Protection Act San Francisco Bay Study Region
R7 - Marine Region
| 32 |
| |
Marine Life Protection Act South Coast Study Region
R7 - Marine Region
| 260 |
| |
Native Plant Program
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 237 |
Documents related to the Native Plant Program
| |
Natural Community Conservation Planning
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 451 |
An NCCP identifies and provides for the regional or areawide protection of plants, animals, and their habitats, while allowing compatible and appropriate economic activity.
| |
Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan: Draft EIS/EIR
R5 - South Coast Region
| 362 |
The files contained in this category constitute an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared in response to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This EIS/EIR was prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed Project, which consists of the Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan Project.
| |
Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan: Draft Additional Environmental Analysis
R5 - South Coast Region
| 8 |
The files contained in this category are the Draft Additional Environmental Analysis (AEA) for the Newhall Ranch RMDP/SCP Final EIR that CDFW certified in December 2010. CDFW prepared the AEA in response the California Supreme Court decision in Center for Biological Diversity v. California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (2015) 62 Cal.4th 204.
| |
Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan: Final EIS/EIR
R5 - South Coast Region
| 281 |
The files contained in this category constitute an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared in response to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This EIS/EIR was prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed Project, which consists of the Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan Project.
| |
Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan: Final Additional Environmental Analysis
R5 - South Coast Region
| 31 |
The files contained in this category are the Final Additional Environmental Analysis (AEA) for the Newhall Ranch RMDP/SCP Final EIR that CDFW certified in December 2010. CDFW prepared the AEA in response the California Supreme Court decision in Center for Biological Diversity v. California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (2015) 62 Cal.4th 204.
| |
Nongame Wildlife Program
Wildlife Branch
| 535 |
Research, management, and monitoring reports, status assessments and listing petition documents for nongame species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Includes numbered series reports prepared by and for the Nongame Wildlife Program.
| |
Wildlife Branch Section 6 Grants
Wildlife Branch
| 44 |
Federal Threatened and Endangered Species grants associated with the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973) that are coordinated through the Wildlife Branch of CDFW and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for species conservation, recovery and land acquisition.
| |
Nongame Wildlife Reports
Wildlife Branch
| 330 |
Reports prepared for the Fish and Game Commission; reports prepared by nongame and regional wildlife staff; published literature with department authors or contributors; nongame reports from outside agencies or groups
| |
Nongame Wildlife Working Groups
Wildlife Branch
| 154 |
Agendas, presentations, and products related to nongame working groups
| |
Classroom Aquarium Education Program - CAEP
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 92 |
Curriuclum aids, schedules, resources, and instructions for teachers and community partners involved in hatching fish in classroom aquariums.
| |
California Fish and Wildlife Journal
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 624 |
Articles from CDFW's quarterly scientific journal devoted to the conservation and understanding of California's flora and fauna
| |
Fishing in the City Program
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 29 |
Documents related to CDFW's Fishing in the City Program in the Sacramento, San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles metropolitan areas
| |
California Fishing Passport program
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 6 |
Fishing Passport program
| |
OCEO Fishing Regulations
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 14 |
OCEO's shared working space for creating and publishing fishing regulations and books
| |
California Hunting Digests
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 8 |
Publication for hunters of Upland Game and Waterfowl on public and private lands
| |
OCEO Hunting Regulations
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 8 |
OCEO's shared working space for creating and publishing mammal and waterfowl hunting regulations and books
| |
Project Wild
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 25 |
Program description and recruitment and education documents.
| |
Risk and Operations Management
Organizational Development Branch
| 3 |
Information and documents about Health and Safety, risk management, business continuity, SLAA, and policy development.
| |
Office of Training and Development; Workforce and Strategic Planning Unit
Organizational Development Branch
| 1 |
OTD and WSP documents, classes, schedules, and training opportunities
| |
Area Contingency Plans
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 99 |
Marine (San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angles and Long Beach) and Regional (Region IX, Arizona, California, Nevada – Oil and HazMat Reponse Preparedness) Contingency Plans
| |
OSPR Vessel and Facility Contingency Plans
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 55 |
Vessel and facility contingency plans for oil spills to be placed here for public access. All plans now come on CD (previously only as hard copy) so electronic public access has become a possibility.
| |
OSPR Drills and Exercises Unit
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 44 |
OSPR Drills and Exercises Unit files
| |
Office of Spill Prevention and Response, Executive Branch
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 408 |
For use by the OSPR Administrator, Executive and Legal team to facilitate the review and access to laws and regulations relative to CDFW's Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR.
| |
Office of Spill Prevention and Response - General
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 363 |
Documents related to oil/toxic spill incidents, assessment and restoration.
| |
OSPR Geographic Information Systems
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 3 |
Used for OSPR GIS documents
| |
OSPR Geographic-Response Plans
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 10 |
Inland waterways geographic response plans
| |
OSPR Current Spill Responses
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 533 |
Documents pertaining to current and recent oil spill response activities.
| |
OSPR Scientific Programs
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 1,224 |
Habitat Protection, Wildlife and Veterinarian Services, Natural Resource Assessment, Laboratories and Field Services
| |
OSPR Training Resources
Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
| 8 |
Required courses, incident command position specific information, task books, class lists, and other related training resources
| |
Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 134 |
Grant Guidelines and Solicitation documents. Related Materials, including public meeting materials and grant program announcements.
| |
Proposition 68 Grant Programs
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 19 |
Grant Guidelines and Solicitation documents. Related Materials, including public meeting materials and grant program announcements.
| |
Region 1 Fisheries
R1 - Northern Region
| 89 |
Used for Region 1 fisheries documents
| |
Region 1 Habitat Conservation
R1 - Northern Region
| 44 |
Used for Region 1 habitat conservation documents
| |
Region 2 Chronological Files
R2 - North Central Region
| 1 |
The chronological files consist of outgoing letters and memoranda for all North Central Region programs
| |
Region 2 Fish Files
R2 - North Central Region
| 452 |
This category will contain fishery management files for all Region 2 waters both historic and current.
| |
Region 2 Interpretive Services
R2 - North Central Region
| 45 |
Education and outreach materials for Nimbus Hatchery, public lands tours, and other interpretive services in Region 2.
| |
Region 2 Wildlife Program
R2 - North Central Region
| 61 |
Documents relating to Region 2 wildlife program activities, research, and data
| |
Bay Delta IEP 20mm Survey
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 2 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP 20mm Survey
| |
Bay Delta East Office
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 2 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta Region 3, East Office
| |
Bay Delta IEP Fall Midwater Trawl
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 20 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Fall Midwater Trawl
| |
Bay Delta IEP Fish Salvage Monitoring
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 10 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Fish Salvage Monitoring
| |
Region 3 Habitat Conservation
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 31 |
Used for Region 3 habitat conservation documents
| |
Bay Delta IEP Special Studies
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 1 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Special Studies
| |
Region 3 Interpretive Services
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 1 |
Education and outreach materials for Warm Springs Hatchery and other Interpretive Services in Region 3.
| |
Bay Delta IEP San Francisco Bay Study
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 5 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP San Francisco Bay Study
| |
Bay Delta IEP Spring Kodiak Trawl Survey
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 2 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Spring Kodiak Trawl Survey
| |
Bay Delta IEP Striped Bass Population Study
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 14 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Striped Bass Population Study
| |
Bay Delta IEP Sturgeon Population Study
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 40 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Sturgeon Population Study
| |
Bay Delta IEP Summer Townet Survey
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 16 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Summer Townet Survey
| |
Region 3 Wildlife, Fisheries and Lands
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 3 |
Used for Region 3 wildlife, fisheries and lands documents
| |
R3 Zooplankton Study
R3 - Bay Delta Region
| 4 |
General documents pertaining to Bay Delta IEP Zooplankton Study
| |
Region 4 Habitat Conservation
R4 - Central Region
| 43 |
Used for Region 4 habitat conservation documents
| |
Region 4 Waterfowl Drawing Results
R4 - Central Region
| 36 |
Results for property based waterfowl hunting blind drawings
| |
Region 4 San Joaquin
R4 - Central Region
| 9 |
Used for Region 4 San Jaoquin documents
| |
Region 4 Wildlife
R4 - Central Region
| 7 |
Used for Region 4 wildlife documents
| |
Region 5 Habitat Conservation
R5 - South Coast Region
| 16 |
Used for Region 5 habitat conservation documents
| |
Region 5 Wildlife, Fisheries and Lands
R5 - South Coast Region
| 34 |
Used for Region 5 wildlife, fisheries and lands documents
| |
Region 6 Aquatic Resources
R6 - Inland Deserts Region
| 3 |
Used for Region 6 aquatic resources documents
| |
Region 6 Fisheries
R6 - Inland Deserts Region
| 2 |
Used for Region 6 fisheries documents
| |
Region 6 Habitat Conservation
R6 - Inland Deserts Region
| 82 |
Used for Region 6 habitat conservation documents
| |
Region 6 Mammals
R6 - Inland Deserts Region
| 74 |
Used for Region 6 mammal documents
| |
Renewable Energy
Ecosystem Conservation Division
| 2 |
Documents related to the Renewable Energy Program
| |
Renewable Energy -- Website Documents
Ecosystem Conservation Division
| 39 |
Documents related to the Renewable Energy Program website.
| |
Salton Sea Monitoring and Assessment Plan
Salton Sea Program
| 1,413 |
| |
Service Based Budgeting
Director's Office
| 42 |
This folder will house documents related to the Department’s Service Based Budgeting effort, initiated in January 2019.
| |
Science Institute
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 14 |
The documents posted here will be reviewed for inclusion on the CDFW Science Institute website, which showcases the scientific work and staff of the department. Documents can be journal articles or technical/administrative reports (authored by CDFW staff and/or CDFW contractors), but must have been internally and/or externally peer reviewed. If you need assistance uploading documents, please contact the Help Desk at (916) 445-5158.
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Scientific Collecting Permit (SCP)
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 1 |
SCP program documents related to data reporting
| |
Section 6 Plant Reports
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
| 150 |
Section 6 Plant Reports generated by the Native Plant Program
| |
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
R6 - Inland Deserts Region
| 220 |
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program Documents
| |
Special Hunts Information Packets
Wildlife Branch
| 596 |
Documents concering special hunts information packets uploaded autmatically through the CDFW Special Hunts application
| |
Species Image Collection
| 12 |
Species Image Collection
| |
Natural Resources Agency California Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision Project
Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
| 434 |
Documents associated with the Natural Resources Agency California Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision Project 2010-2012
| |
Suction Dredge Permitting Program
R1 - Northern Region
| 140 |
CDFW Suction Dredge Permitting Program review documents
| |
State Wildlife Action Plan
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
| 289 |
Files associated with California’s Wildlife Action Plan
| |
Timber Harvest Plan Policy
Timberland Conservation Program
| 32 |
Documents related to state-level documentation for any activity of the Timberland Conservation Program, including but not limited to Timber Harvest Plan and Vegetation Management Plan review and general program management. Documents include statewide policy, regulations, program manuals, program development and management documentation, and program meeting or workshop materials. Some documents may be linked to program Internet and intranet websites maintained by CDFW.
| |
Timber Harvest Plan References
Timberland Conservation Program
| 43 |
Timber Harvest Plan (THP) reference documents that support CDFW recommendations to address potential significant impacts to environmental resources during the THP review process and other forest planning endeavors. Reference documents include but are not limited to studies, research, plans, and historical information that address forest health, direct and indirect impacts to species and habitats, critical forest elements, and forest conservation planning.
| |
Timber Harvest Plan Water Drafting
Timberland Conservation Program
| 11 |
Timber related water drafting references
| |
Office of Tribal Affairs
Director's Office
| 3 |
Tribal Affairs documents
| |
Upland-Game Management Account
Wildlife Branch
| 5 |
Documents will include project proposals (internal and external), project progress and final reports, and fiscal accounting for individual projects and overall for the account.
| |
Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program
Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB)
| 201 |
VegCAMP develops and maintains a standardized vegetation classification system for California and works with partners to produce detailed vegetation maps; documents here include reports and standards, and photos taken at field sampling locations.
| |
Water Branch Administrative Unit
Water Branch
| 2 |
This Category will house administrative, internal documents for the Water Branch.
| |
Water Branch Central Valley Project Improvement Act Refuge Water Supply Program
Water Branch
| 9 |
Contracts, reports, and documents relating to the Refuge Water Supply program
| |
Fish Restoration Program Agreement
Water Branch
| 4 |
State Water Project Operation Mitigation documents
| |
Water Project Operations Permitting
Water Branch
| 16 |
Water Project Operations Permitting
| |
Water Project Operations Monitoring Team Risk Assessments
Water Branch
| 363 |
Weekly Risk Assessments produced by the Salmon and Smelt Monitoring Teams.
| |
Statewide Water Planning Program
Water Branch
| 215 |
The statewide water planning responsibilities include coordination and integration of the Department’s activities related to water rights, water quality, FERC, instream flow, and the California Water Plan.
| |
Wildlife Conservation Board
Wildlife Conservation Board
| 878 |
Wildlife Conservation Board
| |
Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
| 46 |
Used for compiling information on greenhouse gas reduction in wetlands through wetland restoration.
| |
Wildlife Health Laboratory
Wildlife Branch
| 23 |
These documents include various lab forms needed to be accessed by CDFW personnel as well as a variety of reports on statewide projects occurring in coordination with the Wildlife Health Laboratory (WHL).
| |
Wind Energy Group
Renewable Energy Support
| 8 |
Repository for wind energy related documents and policies including the California guidelines for reducing impacts to birds and bats from wind energy development
| |
Wildlife Branch Game Species Conservation
Wildlife Branch
| 48 |
Documents, reports, and management plans dealing with game species conservation.
| |
Wildlife Branch Mountain Lion Program
Wildlife Branch
| 6 |
Documents regarding mountain lion management, public safety, and depredation. Also includes historic accounts, legislative reports and non-CDFW entity research SCP’s and relevant reports.
| |
Wildlife Branch Waterfowl Hunting
Wildlife Branch
| 234 |
Documents related to waterfowl hunting
| |
Wildlife Branch Webpage Documents
Wildlife Branch
| 1,924 |
These documents are linked to various Wildlife Branch Webpages
| |
Wolf Management Planning
Wildlife Branch
| 396 |
This category contains scientific documents pertaining to various aspects of wolf management including conservation; interactions with prey, livestock, humans, and other wildlife; historical distribution; and legal status. Also included are wolf management plans from other states, and documents produced by the USFWS pertaining to listing status and recovery of wolves. The contents of this category are intended for use by CDFW staff assigned to the California wolf management planning and wolf status review efforts.
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