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Region 1 Fisheries Documents

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South Fork Eel River Salmonid Abundance Monitoring Project 2023-2024
California Coastal Monitoring Plan South Fork Eel River
Herman B., Massey T. and Berberich M.
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd construction in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt County California, 2021-2022
California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Program, South Fork Eel River, Spawning Ground Survey
Loomis, C., T. Massey, R. Hein and K. Major
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd construction in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt County California, 2022-2023.
California Coastal Monitoring Plan South Fork Eel River
Loomis, C.
Annual Report on the Mad River Winter-Run Steelhead Breeding Program and Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan for 2019-2024 Brood Years
Mad River Hatchery and Genetics Management Plan
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Ocean Ranch Restoration Project - Post-Restoration Fish Montoring -Year 1
Eel River Estuary Fish Monitoring on the CDFW Ocean Ranch property
California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Wiyot Tribe Natural Resources Department
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd construction in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt County, California, 2017-2018
regional salmonid monitoring CMP
Guczek, J., S. Powers, K. Roberts, & S. Monday
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd construction in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt County, California, 2016
regional salmonid monitoring CMP
Starks, B., S. Powers, and S. Monday
Lower Eel River and Van Duzen River Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Spatial Structure Survey 2013-2016 Summary Report
Lower Eel River and Van Duzen River juvenile coho salmon surveys 2013-2016 summary report
David Lam and Sharon Powers
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd construction in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt County, California, 2015
Spawing Survey Results in SF Eel River 2015
Brian Starks, Allan Renger
Summer stream temperature profiles in the Smith River basin from 2009 to 2013
water temperature, water quality
Garwood, J., Parish, M., Walkley, J., Larson, Z.
McNulty slough, thence Eel River estuary fish and water quality sampling January 2008 through June 2009
eel river estuary fish and water quality sampling
Scheiff, A., M. M. Gilroy, M. Wallace
Tidewater goby and water quality sampling Ocean Ranch Unit, Eel River Wildlife Area summer 2012
tidewater goby survey, Ocean Ranch Unit, Eel River estuary
Scheiff, A., M. M. Gilroy
Mendocino County salmonid life cycle and regional monitoring: monitoring status and trends for 2012. 2011-12 Administrative Report.
regional salmonid monitoring CMP
Gallagher, S.P., Thompson, S., and D.W. Wright
Identifying factors limiting coho salmon to inform stream restoration in coastal Northern California
Coho Salmon
Gallagher, S. P., S. Thompson, and D. W. Wright
Discrimination of Chinook and coho salmon and steelhead redds and evaluation of the use of redd data for estimating escapement in several unregulated streams in Northern California.
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P.
Development and application of a technique to distinguish between coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kitsch) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) redds and estimate adult populations from spawning surveys in several coastal Mendocino, County, California streams
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P.
Bullfrog Predation on a Juvenile Coho Salmon in Humboldt County, California
coho salmon predation
Garwood, J. M., S. J. Ricker and C. A. Anderson
Use of Historically Fishless High-Mountain Lakes and Streams By Nearctic River Otters (Lontra canadensis) in California
River otters in high-elevation habitats in California
Garwood, J. M., R. A. Knapp, K. L. Pope, R. L. Grasso, M. L. Magnuson and J. R. Maurer
Juvenile Salmonid Inventory of Baldface Creek, North Fork Smith River Basin, Oregon
coho salmon presence in Baldface Creek, Northfork Smith River
Garwood, J. M.
Supporting evidence in defining historic and recent occurrence of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California streams within the Southern Oregon/ Northern California Evolutionary Significant Unit
Historic and Current SONCC Coho Distribution
Garwood, J. M.
Natural resources of Lake Earl and the Smith River delta
Recommendations for preservation, maintenance and use of natural resources
Monroe, G. M., B.J. Mapes and P. L. McLaughlin
Natural resources of the Eel River delta
Recommendations for preservation, maintenance and use of natural resources
Monroe, G.W. and F.Reynolds
The natural resources of Humboldt Bay
Recommendations for preservation, maintenance and use of natural resources
Monroe, G. W.
Coastal Mendocino County salmonid life cycle and regional monitoring: monitoring status and trends for 2011
Coastal salmon escapement and life cycle monitoring
Gallagher, S. P. and D. W. Wright
regional salmonid monitoring CMP
Gallagher, S. P., Wright, D. W.
Results of the 2000 Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fyke Trapping and Stream Resident Population Estimations and Predictions for the Noyo River, California with Comparison to Some Historic Information
smolt and juvenile salmon abundance
Gallagher, S. P.
Results of the Winter 2000 Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Spawning Survey on the Noyo River, California with Comparison to Some Historic Habitat Information
salmonid monitoring and escapment
Gallagher, S. P.
Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Juvenile Population Estimations and Predictions in the Noyo River, California Spring and Summer 2001
smolt and juvenile salmon abundance
Gallagher, S. P.
Results of the 2000-2001 Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spawning surveys on the Noyo River, California
steelhead monitoring
Gallagher, S. P.
Juvenile salmonid (Oncorhynchus kisutch, O. mykiss, and O. tshawytscha) abundance estimation in the upper Noyo River, California during spring and summer 2002
smolt and juvenile salmon abundance
Gallagher, S. P.
Do young coho salmon and steelhead spring emigration abundance estimates or summer density and rearing estimates reflect the status or trends of adult populations?
salmonid smolt juvenile and adult data relations
Gallagher, S. P., Knechtle, M.
Juvenile salmonid (Oncorhynchus kisutch, O. mykiss, and O. tshawytscha) abundance estimation in the upper Noyo River, California spring 2003
smolt and juvenile salmon abundance
Gallagher, S. P.
Annual coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead (O. mykiss) spawning ground escapement estimates 2000 to 2004 in several coastal Mendocino County, California streams and recommendations for long term monitoring of coastal salmonids
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P.
Evaluation of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead (O. mykiss) spawning ground escapement estimates for monitoring status and trends of California coastal salmonids: 2000 to 2005 escapement estimates for several Mendocino County, coastal streams
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P.
A regional approach to monitoring salmonid abundance trends: A pilot project for the application of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan in coastal Mendocino County year 1
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P., Wright, D. W.
A regional approach to monitoring salmonid abundance trends: A pilot project for the application of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan in coastal Mendocino County Year II
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P., Wright, D. W.
A regional approach to monitoring salmonid abundance trends: A pilot project for the application of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan in coastal Mendocino County Year III
Coastal salmon escapement monitoring
Gallagher, S. P., Wright, D. W.
Weir Mark-Recapture/Resight Protocols
salmon mark recapture protcols
Gallagher, S. P., Neillands, G.
Coastal Northern California Salmonid Spawning Survey Protocol
Salmon Spawning Survey Protocols
Gallagher, S. P., Knechtle, M.
Smith River Plain Dissolved Copper Monitoring Report 2017-2018
Water Quality
National Marine Fisheries Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Off-Site Biological Monitoring of Anadromous Salmonid Populations in the Mad River in 2017.18: Fullfillment of annual Requirements for Mad River Hatchery's Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan
Sonar monitoring
Sparkman, M.
Sonar Estimation of California Coastal Chinook Salmon, NC Fall Run Steelhead, SONCC Coho Salmon, and Pink Salmon in Mad River 2017
Sonar monitoring
Sparkman, M. and S. Holt
Results of regional spawning ground surveys and estimates of total salmonid redd abundance in the South Fork Eel River, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties California, 2018-2019
regional salmonid monitoring CMP
Guczek, J., S. Powers, & M. Larson
A Survey of Aquatic Habitats, Fishes and other Aquatic Fauna of Elk Creek, Crescent City, California
Fisheries and other Aquatic Fauna Inventory
Garwood, J. M.
Rapid assessment of salmonid habitat protocol
Salmonid habitat monitoring
Holloway, W., C. Bell, E. Mackey, A. McClary and Gallagher, S. P., Wright, D. W.
Juvenile Salmonid Use and Restoration Assessment of the Tidal Portions of Selected Tributaries to Humboldt Bay, California, 2011-2012
Humboldt Bay tributaries tidal and freshwater ecotone juvenile salmonid monitoring
Michael Wallace and Stan Allen
Juvenile salmonid use of the tidal portions of selected tributaries to Humboldt Bay, California, 2013-2015
Humboldt Bay tributaries tidal and freshwater ecotone juvenile salmonid monitoring
Stan Allen, Eric Ojerholm, and Michael Wallace
Sport Fish Restoration Annual Project Performance Report 2015
Humboldt Bay tributaries tidal and freshwater ecotone juvenile salmonid monitoring
Michael Wallace
Sport Fish Restoration Annual Project Performance Report 2014
Humboldt Bay tributaries tidal and freshwater ecotone juvenile salmonid monitoring
Michael Wallace
Sport Fish Restoration Annual Project Performance Report 2013
Humboldt Bay tributaries tidal and freshwater ecotone juvenile salmonid monitoring
Michael Wallace