Document Library
CDFW's Document Library is an online repository of thousands of documents.
Documents can be located by searching for a word or phrase contained within the text of the document or in its associated “cover sheet.” An advanced search function also makes it possible to search more specifically by title, author, subject, keywords, date ranges and document categories. Results are initially displayed and ordered by search relevance, but can then be sorted by alternate criteria. SEARCH the Document Library
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Recent Changes or Additions to the Document Library
Draft Tribal Lands Companion Plan, 2/28/2025 4:34 PM
Category: SWAP, Subject: California State Wildlife Action Plan, SWAP, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Draft Water Management Companion Plan, 2/28/2025 4:34 PM
Category: SWAP, Subject: California State Wildlife Action Plan, SWAP, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Draft California State Wildlife Action Plan 2025 Chapters, 2/28/2025 4:34 PM
Category: SWAP, Subject: California State Wildlife Action Plan, SWAP, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Draft California State Wildlife Action Plan 2025 Appendices, 2/28/2025 4:33 PM
Category: SWAP, Subject: California State Wildlife Action Plan, SWAP, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
CDFW Anadromous fish release data 4/1/2018-7/12/2022, 2/28/2025 2:01 PM
Category: Fisheries--FishProductionDistribution, Subject: CDFW Anadromous Fish Release Data 2018-current, Author: Frank Riley
CDFW Historic Anadromous Broodstock Hatchery Trap Counts 09/06/2016-12/12/2022, 2/28/2025 2:00 PM
Category: Fisheries--FishProductionDistribution, Subject: Anadromous Broodstock Fish Trap Counts, Author: Frank Riley
Drill Calendar, 2/28/2025 9:46 AM
Category: OSPR-DEU, Subject: Drill Calendar, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Changes to Sensitive California Communites, 2/27/2025 5:49 PM
Category: VegCAMP, Subject: Natural Communities, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program and California Native Plant Society
California Natural Communites List Arranged Alphabetically by Life Form, 2/27/2025 5:48 PM
Category: VegCAMP, Subject: Natural Communities, Author: California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Native Plant Society
Sensitive Natural Communities of California, 2/27/2025 5:43 PM
Category: VegCAMP, Subject: Natural Communities, Author: Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program, CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife