| Marine OSRO Rating Matrix | OSRO Marine Rating Matrix | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 1/28/2025 |
| Response Equipment Grants -List of Grantees | Response Equipment Grants (list of grantees) | Cindy Murphy | 5/11/2011 |
| Terrestrial & Inland On-water OSRO Rating Matrix | Terrestrial & Inland On-water OSRO Rating Matrix | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 1/13/2025 |
| Fishery Closure Lifted in Smith Canal 9 29 24 | Fishery Lifted in Smith Canal | Fishery Closure Lifted | 9/29/2024 |
| Reopening of Fishies Closure | Fishery Closure Lifted in Smith Canal 9 29 24 | Greg McGowan | 9/29/2024 |
| Liaison Engagement Plan Excel Version | Liaison Engagement Plan Excel Version | Jenna Driscoll | 3/18/2024 |
| OSRO Matrix Overview Presentation & Notes | OSRO Matrix Overview Presentation & Notes | Paul. Hichborn | 6/20/2024 |
| CDFW-OSPR Research Access Request Form_Sample Questions | Research Access Request Form_Sample Questions | Jenna Driscoll | 6/19/2024 |
| Liaison Engagement Plan PDF | Liaison Engagement Plan PDF | Jenna Driscoll | 3/18/2024 |
| Response Equipment Local Map | Response Equipment Grant | OSPR Local Government Grants | 4/2022 |
| A-Course-for-Safe-Boating_DBW | Boating Safety | Division of Boating and Waterways and Boating and Waterways | 10/25/2021 |
| Bolsa Chica State Park Volunteer Deployment 10-8-2021 | Bolsa Chica State Park Volunteer Deployment 10-8-2021 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 10/14/2020 |
| General process supporting environmental recovery | Environmental recovery process fact sheet | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 7/14/2016 |
| Public Outreach | Public Outreach | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 3/14/2016 |
| Photo Release: Response crews remove boom from Refugio Beach near Santa Barbara, Calif. | Response crews remove boom from Refugio Beach sensitive area | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/14/2015 |
| Traffic closure update for Refugio oil spill response | Traffic advisory for Refugio oil spill response | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/9/2015 |
| Oil Situation Map as of June 8 | Current Oiling Situation Map | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/9/2015 |
| Updated shoreline survey results | Press release on SCAT data | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/9/2015 |
| Refugio Claims Process | Refugio claims process | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/4/2015 |
| Announcement of News Releases in Spanish for Refugio Oil Spill | Spanish news release | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/4/2015 |
| June 3 Refugio Response Snapshot | UC response snapshot | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/4/2015 |
| Unified Command to temporarily suspend night cleanups due to wildlife sensitivity | UC news release on grunions | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/1/2015 |
| Response Equipment Grant Application | Response Equipment Application | Cindy Murphy | 3/27/2015 |
| Public Outreach | Public Outreach | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/11/2015 |
| Chevron NPREP Drill - News Release #4 | NR #4 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/22/2014 |
| Chevron NPREP Drill - News Release #3 | News Release #3 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/22/2014 |
| Chevron NPREP Drill - News Release #2 | News Release #2 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/21/2014 |
| Chevron NPREP Drill - News Release #1 | News Release #1 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/21/2014 |
| Fishery closure lifted in Ventura Harbor - Official document | Fishery closure lifted in Ventura Harbor | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/3/2014 |
| CDFW Director closes fishing in Ventura Harbor due to oil spill | Fishery Closure following red dye diesel spill from vessel allision | California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 11/19/2013 |
| Map - Fisheries Closure Area Ventura Harbor Nov 20, 2013 | Ventura harbor diesel spill map of closure | California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 11/20/2013 |
| Fisheries Closure Declaration Ventura Harbor Nov. 20 2013 | Fishery Closure following red dye diesel spill from vessel allision | California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 11/19/2013 |
| Beta Offshore Drill - Press Release-1 | Beta Offshore Drill - Press Release-1 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 9/18/2013 |
| Dummy | Dummy | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/15/2013 |
| Third Party Claim Process for Marine Oil Spills | Public and private entity claim process during an oil spill | California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 3/13/2013 |
| OG SMT Final Dec 19, 2012_1 | OG SMT Final Dec 19, 2012_1 | California Department of Fish and Game | 1/10/2013 |
| Brea oil company facing criminal charges after spill | LA City Attorney's Office files charges against Canon Oil Co. | California Department of Fish and Game | 11/30/2012 |
| Five years after Cosco Busan: prevention and response improved; restoration under way | Cosco Busan anniversary | California Department of Fish and Game and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 11/7/2012 |
| Response Crew Tackles Asphalt Spill into Sandia Creek | Petroleum spill from truck on De Luza Road | California Department of Fish and Game and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 10/23/2012 |
| Inland Spills Fact Sheet | Facts about inland pollution program and response | California Department of Fish and Game and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 8/27/2012 |
| DOI Newsletter | DOI Newsletter | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/9/2012 |
| UNIFIED COMMAND CALLS FOR TARBALL CLEANUP ON BUTTERFLY BEACH | Tarballs on beach | California Department of Fish and Game and Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 6/25/2012 |
| Nontank Streamline Plan - Large Motor Yachts ONLY | Nontank Streamline Plan for Large Motor Yachts | California Department of Fish and Game | 7/9/2012 |
| Yacht FAQ | Large motor yachts FAQ | Klumpp, C. and R. Todd | 4/24/2012 |
| Fact Sheet for fueling yachts and vessels over 300GTs | Fact Sheet for fueling yachts and vessels over 300GTs | Klumpp, C. and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/18/2012 |
| NTV Streamline Plan | NTV Streamline Plan | California Department of Fish and Game | 7/9/2012 |
| Pt. Mugu Lagoon Plane Crash News Release #1 | Point Mugu Lagoon Plane Crash News Release #1 | Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 5/20/2011 |
| Boom Fact Sheet | | Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 4/21/2011 |
| Response Equipment Grants -List of Grantees | Response Equipment Grants (list of grantees) | Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 4/2022 |
| Pipeline P00547 Oil Spill Seafood Sampling Summary Results | Pipeline P00547 Oil Spill Seafood Sampling Summary Results | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response | 12/1/2021 |