| Swan Tour Packet | swan tour information | G. Treaster | 10/16/2024 |
| Volunteer Opportunities | volunteer opportunities | M. DaCosta, M. Shea | 8/12/2024 |
| Booking Tours Video Transcript | video transcript | M. Shea | 7/29/2024 |
| Booking Tours Tutorial | booking a guided tour at Nimbus Hatchery | M.Shea | 7/25/2024 |
| Chaperone Guide | Nimbus Fish Hatchery | M.Shea | 7/3/2024 |
| Nimbus Hatchery Field Trip Guidelines | | M. Shea | 7/3/2024 |
| 2024 Nature Bowl Coaches Packet | Nature Bowl | gtreaster | 1/24/2024 |
| 2024 Nature Bowl Coach Registration | Nature Bowl | L Drath | 9/15/2023 |
| Nimbus Fish Ladder Extension FAQs | fish ladder | S. Ambrosia | 4/9/2021 |
| 2020 Nature Bowl Semi-Final Schedule | Nature Bowl | j cahill | 12/10/2019 |
| 2023 Nature Bowl Glossary | Nature Bowl | gtreaster | 1/26/2023 |
| Nature Bowl in Your Neighborhood | Nature Bowl | gtreaster | 1/18/2023 |
| 2022 Nature Bowl Family Challenge | Nature Bowl | gtreaster | 6/21/2022 |
| 2021 Nature Bowl Family Edition Packet | | gtreaster | 3/9/2021 |
| Nature Bowl Glossary 3rd-4th 2020 | Nature Bowl | Cahill, J. | 12/10/2019 |
| 2020 Nature Bowl Registration Form | Nature Bowl | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 12/10/2019 |
| 2020 Nature Bowl Coaches Packet | Nature Bowl | Cahill, J. | 12/9/2019 |
| Nature Bowl Glossary 5th-6th 2020 | Nature Bowl | Cahill, J. | 12/9/2019 |
| 2020 Resources List for Coaches | Nature Bowl | Cahill, J. | 12/9/2019 |
| North Table Mountain Satellite Map--Northern Half Only | | ggilmore | 11/8/2019 |
| North Table Mountain Satellite Map | NTM map | ggilmore | 11/8/2019 |
| North Table Mountain Topo Map | | ggilmore | 11/8/2019 |
| Nimbus Hatchery Tour Lottery Form | reservation form | Drath, L. | 2019 |
| Nimbus Hatchery Tour Information 2019 | information on visiting Nimbus Hatchery | Drath, L. | 2019 |
| Group Guidelines (self-guided)--Spanish | | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 9/15/2015 |
| Group Guidelines--Spanish | | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 9/15/2015 |
| Why a Hatchery--Spanish | | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 9/15/2015 |
| Tour Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards | correlations to NGSS | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/23/2015 |
| Tour Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards | correlations to NGSS | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/23/2015 |
| Tour Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards | correlations to NGSS | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/23/2015 |
| Websites of Interest | Salmon and Water Websites | California Department of Fish and Game | 3/23/2015 |
| Hatchery Overview | Nimbus Fish Hatchery overview | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/23/2015 |
| Department of Fish and Wildlife Educational Opportunities | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/23/2015 |
| A Visitor's Guide to the Nimbus Fish Hatchery | Nimbus Fish Hatchery | California Department of Fish and Game | 12/2012 |
| Bibliography | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/4/2011 |
| Group Guidelines | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Field Notes Form | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Nimbus Hatchery Scavenger Hunt | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Nimbus Hatchery Scavenger Hunt--Answer Key | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Salmonid Vocabulary | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Tour Correlations to State Science Standards | Teacher Materials | California Department of Fish and Game | 8/2011 |
| Folsom Dam Overview | Teacher Materials | California State Parks | 8/2011 |