| GHG Engineering Geologic Review Criteria | GHG Engineering Geologic Review Criteria | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/2018 |
| GHG Technical Review Criteria | GHG Technical Review Criteria | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/2018 |
| 2018 CCI Annual Report CDFW Section | 2018 CCI Annual Report CDFW Section | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/2018 |
| GGRP Proposals FY 14-15 | GGRP Proposals FY 14-15 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 10/2017 |
| CDFW Section of CCI Annual Report 2017 | CDFW Section of CCI Annual Report 2017 | California Climate Investments | 9/2017 |
| CDFW Section of CCI Annual Report 2016 | CDFW Section of CCI Annual Report 2016 | California Climate Investments | 9/2017 |
| Wetland GHG Contingency Funding Guidelines | Wetland GHG Contingency Funding Guidelines | CDFW | 3/25/2022 |
| Final Project Solicitation and Evaluation Guidelines | 2019 Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Solicitation | Staff | 2019 |
| Final Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program 2019 Proposal Solicitation Notice | 2019 Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Solicitation | Staff | 2019 |
| 2019 GHG PSN Pre-Application Template | Wetlands Greehouse Gas 2019 Solicitation | Staff | 2019 |
| 2019 Mountain Meadow Fact Sheet | 2019 Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Mountain Meadow Fact Sheet | Fish And Wildlife | 4/16/2019 |
| 2019 Delta Fact Sheet | 2019 Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fact Sheet Coastal | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 4/29/2019 |
| 2019 Coastal Fact Sheet | 2019 Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fact Sheet Coastal | Fish And Wildlife | 4/16/2019 |
| 2019 Inland Fact Sheet | Wetlands Greenhouse Gas Reduction Inlands Fact Sheet | Matt Wells | 4/16/2019 |
| CDFW_Wetlands_Restoration_Greenhouse_Gas_Solicitation_FY1718 | CDFW_Wetlands_Restoration_Greenhouse_Gas_Solicitation_FY1718 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/2018 |
| CDFW_Wetlands_Restoration_GHG_Quantification_Methodology_Calculator | CDFW_Wetlands_Restoration_GHG_Quantification_Methodology_Calculator | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 4/2018 |
| West Struve Slough Enhancement and Habitat Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Watsonville Wetlands Watch | 2014 |
| Quantifying the long-term greenhouse gas and ecosystem benefits of mountain meadow restoration efforts in the Sierras: A case study of the Upper Truckee River Watershed, Lake Tahoe | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Regents of the University of California, Berkeley | 2014 |
| Upper San Antonio Creek Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | The C.R.E.W. aka Concerned Resource & Environmental Workers | 2014 |
| Investigation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Fluxes and Carbon Sequestration in a Cascade Range Mountain Meadow Restored for Reintroduction of Endangered Shasta Crayfish (Pacifastacus fortis). | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Spring Rivers Foundation | 2014 |
| Measurement and Assessment of Carbon Sequestration, GHG Emissions, and Wildlife and Fisheries Co-benefit Potential in Response to the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project at South Lake Tahoe, CA | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Spatial Informatics Group - Natural Assets Laboratory | 2014 |
| Lower Deer Creek Meadow Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Sierra Streams Institute | 2014 |
| Cornerstone Meadows Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Plumas Corp | 2014 |
| Mount Shasta Headwaters Forest (Hancock- Town Block) | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | The Pacific Forest Trust, Inc. | 2014 |
| Mount Shasta Headwaters Forest (Hancock- River Block) | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | The Pacific Forest Trust, Inc. | 2014 |
| Mattole Estuary Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Mattole Salmon Group | 2014 |
| Restoration retrofit for wetland enhancement and GHG reduction. | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | California Department of Transportation | 2014 |
| Land-Use Conversion to Managed Wetlands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy | 2014 |
| South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Phase 2: Alviso Mt. View Ponds | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | State Coastal Conservancy | 2014 |
| Eel River Delta Ecosystem Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | State Coastal Conservancy | 2014 |
| Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in Sierra Meadows Through Invasive Plant Management | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) | 2014 |
| Restoration of the Carbon Storing Ecosystem in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, CA | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Yosemite National Park | 2014 |
| Initiation of Thin-layered Sediment Augmentation on the Pacific Coast | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | 2014 |
| Truckee Meadows Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Truckee River Watershed Council | 2014 |
| Yuba Headwaters Meadow Restoration | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | South Yuba River Citizens League | 2014 |
| Bean Meadow Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Sierra Foothill Conservancy | 2014 |
| Blue Carbon at Elkhorn Slough: Increasing Regional Carbon Sequestration Through Salt Marsh Restoration | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Elkhorn Slough Foundation | 2014 |
| North Campus Open Space Wetlands Restoration | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Regents of the University of California, Santa Barbara | 2014 |
| A Demonstration of the Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Benefits of Beaver and Beaver Dam Analogue Restoration Techniques | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Regents of the University of California, Davis | 2014 |
| Developing a Protocol for Net Carbon Sequestration from Restoration of Eastern Sierra | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | California Trout, Inc. | 2014 |
| Mountain Meadows Restoration Project at Greenville Creek and Upper Goodrich and Effects on GHGs | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Plumas Corp | 2014 |
| Sherman Island Wetland Restoration Project | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Reclamation District 341 and California Department of Water Resources | 2014 |
| Middle Martis Creek Wetland Restoration | 2014 GGRF Project Descriptions | Truckee River Watershed Council | 2014 |
| Wetlands Restoration GGRF Grants Map FY 14/15 | 2014-2015 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grant Projects Statewide Map | Diane Mastalir and Watershed Restoration Grants Branch | 8/17/2015 |
| Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction_FY_2014-2015_Proposal_Solicitation | Proposal Solicitation FY 2014-2015 | Birss, Helen | 4/30/2015 |
| Wetland Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction PSN | Proposal solicitation notice for wetland restoration for GHG reduction | Birss, Helen | 11/2014 |