Los Banos Wildlife Area Biological Inventory and Monitoring Project Documents
The biological staff of the Los Banos Wildlife Area conducts surveys including the inventory and monitoring of wildlife species and habitats. This category contains biological reports primarily for, but not necessarily limited to, surveys conducted on department-owned lands within the Los Banos Wildlife Area Complex.
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| Raptor Surveys Conducted at Lower Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area, 2007-2009 | Avian | Grove, T. J. | 6/2013 |
| Columbian Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) Surveys on the Lower Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area, 2005 – 2009 | Mammal | Sparks, L. A. | 1/2013 |
| Monitoring Swainson's hawks, Buteo swainsoni, and other tree-nesting raptors on properties within and near the Los Baños Wildlife Area Complex, 2008 | Avian | Sousa, C. L. | 1/2010 |
| Monitoring nesting Swainson's hawks, Buteo swainsoni, on properties within the Los Banos Wildlife Area Complex, 2009 | Avian | Benner, K. and C. L. Sousa | 9/2011 |
| Further evaluation of external radio transmitter use on the valley garter snake | Herpetofauna | Olsen, M. and J. Sloan | 2004 |
| Evaluation of an external radio transmitter attachment technique on the valley garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi) | Herpetofauna | Sloan, J. | 12/5/2003 |
| Monitoring of the California red-legged frog, Rana aurora draytonii, within properties of the Los Baños Wildlife Area Complex, 2006 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. | 12/2007 |
| Monitoring of the California red-legged frog, Rana aurora draytonii, within properties of the Los Baños Wildlife Area Complex, 2007 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. | 12/2007 |
| Progress report for the San Joaquin Valley giant garter snake conservation project - 2004 | Herpetofauna | Sloan, J. | 2004 |
| Surveys for California red-legged frogs on Upper Cottonwood Creek & San Luis Reservoir Wildlife Areas, 2003 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. | 8/25/2003 |
| California red-legged frog surveys on the Los Banos Wildlife Complex, 2002 | Herpetofauna | Dickert, C. | 10/30/2003 |
| San Joaquin Valley giant garter snake trapping effort 2006 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. and J. Sloan | 7/2007 |
| Monitoring of the California red-legged frog, Rana aurora draytonii, within properties of the Los Baños Wildlife Area Complex, 2008 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. | 12/2008 |
| Progress report for the San Joaquin Valley giant garter snake conservation project - 2003 | Herpetofauna | Dickert, C. | 2003 |
| Monitoring California Red-legged Frogs, Rana draytonii, on Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area, 2010 | Herpetofauna | Sousa, C. L. | 3/2011 |
| Los Banos Wildlife Area Complex Waterfowl Pair and Brood Counts, 2001-2008 | Avian | Grove, T. J. | 10/2011 |
| Avian Point Counts on the Los Baños and Lower Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Areas, 2007 - 2008 | Avian | Sparks, L. A. | 4/2011 |
| Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survival, 2002 Annual Report | Avian | Janaes, K. and L. Moeckly | 8/5/2003 |
| Shorebird population trends on state wildlife areas in the northern San Joaquin Valley, California 1993-2002 | Avian | Moeckly, L. | 2/2/2004 |
| Raptor surveys conducted at Lower Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area, 2006 | Avian | Sousa, C. L. | 1/2008 |
| Monitoring of the tricolored blackbird, Agelaius tricolor, within and around Department of Fish & Game lands in western Merced County | Avian | Sparks, L. A. | 6/2009 |
| Raptor nest monitoring on the Los Banos Wildlife Area Complex, 2006-2007 | Avian | Schaap, M. A. | 9/2007 |
| Small mammal presence amongst selectively grazed annual grassland habitat at Lower Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area, 2005 - 2006 | Mammal | Sousa, C. L. | 8/2008 |
| Los Baños Wildlife Complex mist-netting and passerine banding report - 2005 & 2006 | Avian | Sparks, L. A. | 12/2008 |
| Elderberry longhorn beetle monitoring at Upper Cottonwood Creek Wildlife Area 2007 | Invertebrate | Sousa, C. L. | 7/2007 |