| Appendix 1 for Airola et al. Bald eagle population increase, reproductive success, and nesting habitat in central interior California | bald eagle | Daniel A. Airola, James Jones, Shannon Skalos, Charles Hunter, James A. Estep, Richard Williams, Kathy Kayner | 3/20/2025 |
| Appendix C for Germano et al. 2025 | appendix | Germano, David | 3/2025 |
| Appendix B for Germano et al. 2025 | appendix | Germano, David | 3/2025 |
| Appendix A for Germano et al. 2025 | appendix | Germano, David | 3/2025 |
| Appendix I for Bleich 2024 | | Bleich, V. | 6/2024 |
| Trends in pinniped interactions with commercial passenger fisheries vessels in California Supplemental Information | pinniped | Zachary A. Schakner, Daniel Studt, Elizabeth A. Hellmers and Maren L. Levine | 3/28/2024 |
| Mammal Species of Special Concern - Appendix 2 | | Scott Osborn and Ange Baker | 2024 |
| CFWJ Revised Submission Guidelines (December 2020) | California Fish and Wildlife Journal | CDFW | 12/21/2020 |
| Appendix for Airola 2024 Survey Methods of Purple Martins | purple martin | Airola, D. | 3/28/2024 |
| Supplemental Information for Aiello et al. | Supplemental Information for Highway underpasses offer little fragmentation relief for desert bighorn sheep near Mojave National Preserve, CA | Christina Aiello, Nathan L. Galloway, Kristin Fratella, Paige R. Prentice, Neal W. Darby, Debra L. Hughson, Clinton W. Epps | 3/27/2024 |
| Supplemental Information for Bean et al. | Supplemental Information for Fecal Genotyping of Small Mammals | Bean et al. | 3/7/2024 |
| Supplemental Information for Wehausen 2023 | | Wehausen, J. | 12/2023 |
| Appendices for: Development of habitat suitability criteria for macroinvertebrate community metrics for use in habitat restoration projects | macroinvertebrates | Gard, M. | 11/2023 |
| Appendices for: Central Valley anadromous salmonid habitat suitability criteria | Salmonids | Gard, M. | 11/2023 |
| Supplemental Information for: Spatial relationships and mesoscale habitat variance in co-occurring populations of Church's sideband and Trinity bristle snail in the Greater Trinity Basin, northern California | Supplemental Information for Snail Paper | Sullivan, R. M. | 11/2023 |
| Appendices for: Spatial relationships and mesoscale habitat variance in co-occurring populations of Church's sideband and Trinity bristle snail in the Greater Trinity Basin, northern California | Snail Appendices | Sullivan, R. M. | 11/2023 |
| A novel method using camera traps to record effectiveness of artificial perches for raptors | A novel method using camera traps to record effectiveness of artificial perches for raptors | BARBARA CLUCAS, TRINITY N. SMITH, JAIME CARLINO, SARAH DANIEL, ANNA DAVIS, LEIGH DOUGLAS, MASHA M. GULAK, SARAH L. KANGA LIVINGSTONE, SKYLR LOPEZ, KYRA J. KERR, KELLY M. KOEHN, KATHRYN A. LLOYD, JOSEPH A. MEDINA and | 8/2020 |
| Notes from the Editor (103) 2 | Notes from the Editor (103) 2 | Armand Gonzales | 9/2017 |
| From the Archives: Bighorn Sheep in the Vicinity of Claremont, California | From the Archives: Bighorn Sheep in the Vicinity of Claremont, California | Leon L. Gardner | 9/2017 |
| A previously undocumented life history behavior in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from the Klamath River, California | A previously undocumented life history behavior in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from the Klamath River, California | Jimmy Faukner, Scott Silloway, Michael Sparkman, and Peter Drobny | 9/2017 |
| “Mr. Bighorn”: Richard A. Weaver (1926–2017) | “Mr. Bighorn”: Richard A. Weaver (1926–2017) | Friends and Colleagues of Richard A. Weaver | 9/2017 |
| Fecundity and reproductive potential of wild female Delta Smelt in the upper San Francisco Estuary, California | Fecundity and reproductive potential of wild female Delta Smelt in the upper San Francisco Estuary, California | Lauren J. Damon, Steven B. Slater, Randall D. Baxter, And Robert W. Fujimura | 4/2017 |
| Environmental extremes and biotic interactions facilitate depredation of endangered California Ridgway’s rail in a San Francisco Bay tidal marsh | Environmental extremes and biotic interactions facilitate depredation of endangered California Ridgway’s rail in a San Francisco Bay tidal marsh | Cory Overton, Steven Bobzien, and Marcia Grefsrud | 4/2017 |
| Assessment of length- and age-at-maturity for California halibut (Paralichthys californicus), including a histologically-based description of the reproductive cycle | Assessment of length- and age-at-maturity for California halibut (Paralichthys californicus), including a histologically-based description of the reproductive cycle | Kristine M. Lesyna and Cheryl L. Barnes | 12/2016 |
| California Fish and Game 102 (2) Spring 2016 High Resolution | California Fish and Game 102 (2) Spring 2016 | Various | 9/20/2016 |
| William E. (Bill) Clark: Tough Texan to the “Glass Half-full Guy” | | Terry M. Mansfield | 2014 |
| Mallard feeding on kokanee salmon eggs, Taylor Creek, California | | Lori D. Dieter, Andrew M. Atkinson, and Daniel R. Yparraguirre | 2014 |
| Density dependence in ungulates: a review of causes, and concepts with some clarifications | | R. Terry Bowyer, Vernon C. Bleich, Kelley M. Stewart, Jericho C. Whiting and Kevin L. Monteith | 2014 |
| Use of water developments by female elk at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota | | Glen A. Sargeant, Michael W. Oehler, and Chad L. Sexton | 2014 |
| Enumerating mountain lions: a comparison of two indices | | Becky M. Pierce and Vernon C. Bleich | 2014 |
| Evolution of ungulate capture techniques in California | | David A. Jessup, Steven R. deJesus, William E. Clark, and Vernon C. Bleich | 2014 |
| Bringing science to waterfowl management in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife | | Daniel R. Yparraguirre, Eldridge G. Hunt, Daniel P. Connelly, and Melanie L. Weaver | 2014 |
| History of the conservation of critical deer ranges in California: concepts and terminology | | Eric R. Loft and Vernon C. Bleich | 2014 |
| The historical distribution of bighorn sheep in the Sierra Nevada, California | | John D. Wehausen and Fred L. Jones | 2014 |
| Nest site characteristics, nesting movements, and lack of long-term nest site fidelity in Agassiz’s desert tortoises at a wind energy facility in southern California | | Jeffrey E. Lovich, Mickey Agha, Charles B. Yackulic, Kathie Meyer-Wilkins, Curtis Bjurlin, Joshua R. Ennen, Terence R. Arundel, and Meaghan Austin | 2014 |
| Shrub regeneration after removal of feral sheep from Santa Cruz Island, California | | Dirk H. Van Vuren | 2014 |
| A primer in ecoimmunology and immunology for wildlife research and management | | Cynthia J. Downs and Kelley M. Stewart | 2014 |
| Notes from the Editor | | Vernon C. Bleich, Editor-in-Chief | 2014 |
| Book Review: A manual of California vegetation. Second Edition. | | John O. Sawyer, Todd Keeler-Wolf, and Julie M. Evens. | 2014 |
| Doing adaptive management: improving the application of science to the restoration of a rare Lake Tahoe plant | | Bruce M. Pavlik* and Alison E. Stanton | 2014 |
| Plant community characterization and ranking of fens in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada | | Kendra G. Sikes* and Julie M. Evens | 2014 |
| Tanoak conservation: a role for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife | | Frederica Bowcutt | 2014 |
| Utilizing the California Natural Diversity Database to aid in plant conservation: a case study from the California desert | | Kristi A. Lazar | 2014 |
| Seed banking California’s rare plants | | Evan Meyer*, Nick Jensen, and Naomi Fraga | 2014 |
| Identifying practical, small-scale disturbance to restore habitat for an endangered annual forb | | Christal Niederer*, Stuart B. Weiss, and Lewis Stringer | 2014 |
| Translocation as a conservation measure for endangered Bakersfield cactus | | Ellen A. Cypher*, Brian L. Cypher, Brianna D. Borders, and Christine L. Van Horn Job | 2014 |
| Status survey for endangered Bakersfield cactus | | Brian L. Cypher*, Erin N. Tennant, Ellen A. Cypher, Christine L. Van Horn Job, and Scott E. Phillips | 2014 |
| Characterizing habitat suitability for disturbance-dependent rare plants of gabbro soils | | Melanie Gogol-Prokurat | 2014 |
| Past, present, and future of native plant conservation within the California Department of Fish and Wildlife | | Kristi A. Lazar and Jeb M. Bjerke | 2014 |
| Introduction to the special native plant issue | | Charlton H. Bonham and Dan Gluesenkamp | 2014 |