Application Features
All Data Portal applications are grouped by their principal Topic.
Some applications might seem to cross topic boundaries and be difficult to place in any single group. To see a complete listing of all applications regardless of which topic they might be organized under, visit the
Data Portal Home Page which includes a comprehensive index of applications by name. All applications have the ability to be secured for authenticated users.
- Search application data interactively
- Use wild card search terms, date ranges, multiple-value columns to select data
- Choose columns to display in the query results from easy-to-use lists
- Arrange the sequence of display columns
- Sort in ascending or descending order on-the-fly
- Fully adjust column widths
- Display long comments in a pop-up window
- Filter the results
- Scroll through data with column headers always in view
- Drill down to a map or document for an individual record
- Export, print, or report on individual records or all records
- View commonly requested, formatted reports
- See summary, analytical or raw data
- Filter by common columns such as date or project
- Save report results as a PDF
(under development at this time)
- Add new information
- Update application data
- Friendly user interface across applications