| Minimum instream flow recommendations: Butte Creek, Butte County | Draft report | Water Branch | 12/15/2008 |
| Minimum instream flow recommendations for Butte Creek, Butte County, pursuant to Public Resources Code 10001-10002 | Letter | Water Branch | 1/14/2009 |
| Reconnaissance of the steelhead resource of the Carmel River drainage, Monterey County | Report | Snider, W. M. | 1983 |
| CDFG Instream Flow Program Annual Report 2008 | 2008 Annual Report | Water Branch | 2/10/2009 |
| Priority Streams List | 2008 Priority Streams List | Water Branch | 8/2008 |
| Minimum instream flow recommendations: Butte Creek, Butte County | Final Report | Water Branch | 4/2009 |
| Flow Recommendations to the State Water Resources Control Board | Instream Flow | Water Branch | 5/22/2008 |
| Study Plan - Habitat and Instream Flow Relationships for Steelhead in the Big Sur River, Monterey County | Big Sur River Flow Study | Holmes, R. | 9/2009 |
| Stakeholder Letter - Big Sur River Flow Study | Big Sur River Flow Study Stakeholder Letter | Wilcox, C. | 6/2/2010 |
| Identification of the Instream Flow Requirments for Upstream Migration of Chinook Salmon in Butte Creek | Butte Creek Flow Study | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | 10/2012 |
| Draft Instream Flow Recommendations for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County | Scott Creek Draft Flow Recommendations | Department of Fish and Game | 11/14/2012 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Critical Riffle Analysis for Fish Passage in California | Critical Riffle Analysis | Robert Holmes, CDFW | 2/28/2013 |
| Notice to interested parties regarding the implementation of an Instream Flow Study on Lower Butte Creek | Butte Creek Flow Study | Cantrell, S. | 12/18/2012 |
| Workbook for Critical Riffle Analysis for Fish Passage | Critical Riffle Analysis | Instream Flow Program | 3/5/2013 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Discharge Measurements in Wadeable Streams in California | Discharge Measurement SOP | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/1/2020 |
| CDFW Discharge SOP Data Forms Workbook | Discharge SOP Data Forms | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Instream Flow Program | 9/2020 |
| Streambed and Water Surface Elevation Data Forms | Differential Leveling SOP Data Forms | Holmes, R. | 10/2013 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for the Wetted Perimeter Method in California | Wetted Perimeter Method SOP | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 7/2/2020 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Flow Duration Analysis in California | Flow Duration Analysis SOP | Holmes, R. | 10/2013 |
| Instream Flow Program Fall 2013 Update | Instream Flow Program QA Program FAQ #1 Fall 2013 | Holmes, R. | 11/14/2013 |
| Butte Creek Study Plan | Butte Creek Study Plan | Instream Flow Program | 2/2014 |
| Critical Riffle Analysis Field Form | Field form for critical riffle analysis | Instream Flow Program | 2/2014 |
| Instream Flow Study Results Checklist | Instream Flow Study Results Checklist | Robert Holmes, CDFW | 11/3/2014 |
| The CDFW Instream Flow Program: Flow studies in Sacramento River Delta Tributaries | Instream Flow | Haas, D., W. Cowan, and D. Baldwin | 10/4/2013 |
| Development of a Quality Assurance System for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Instream Flow Program | Quality Assurance Program | B. van Buuren, R. Holmes | 10/2014 |
| Assessing Aquatic Habitat Connectivity and Low-flow Ecological Thresholds | Instream Flow Program | Holmes, R. | 11/18/2014 |
| Overview of the DFG Instream Flow Program and Public Resources Code (PRC) 10000-10005 | Instream Flow Program | Holmes, R. | 4/5/2012 |
| Mill Creek Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 4/10/2014 |
| Deer Creek Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 2/20/2014 |
| Butte Creek Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 1/16/2014 |
| Big Sur River Lower Reach Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 2014 |
| Scott River Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 2/26/2015 |
| Shasta River Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 2/26/2015 |
| Standard Procedures for Instream Flow Studies Poster | Instream Flow Program | Haas, D., P. Uttley and R. Holmes | 4/6/2015 |
| South Fork Eel Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 1/21/2016 |
| California Water Action Plan Priority Streams Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 1/21/2016 |
| Butte Creek Study Technical Report | Instream Flow, Passage Analysis, River2D | William Cowan, CDFW and Mark Gard, USFWS | 2/23/2016 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for the Habitat Retention Method in California | Habitat Retention Method SOP | Instream Flow Program | 12/17/2018 |
| Habitat Retention Method Data Entry Form | Habitat Retention Method SOP Data Forms | Hwan, J. L. | 6/30/2016 |
| Ventura River Watershed Map | Hydrology | Instream Flow Program | 10/13/2016 |
| Instream Flow Program FAQ - "What is a Low-Flow Threshold?" | Instream Flow, Low-Flow Threshold | Water Branch Instream Flow QA Program | 1/2017 |
| Interim Instream Flow Criteria for the Protection of Fishery Resources in the Scott River Watershed, Siskiyou County | Instream flow criteria | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/6/2017 |
| Addendum to: Habitat and Instream Flow Evaluation for Steelhead in the Ventura River Study Plan | Addendum to: Ventura River Study Plan | Instream Flow Program | 5/22/2017 |
| Instream Flow Regime Recommendations, Big Sur River, Monterey County | Final Big Sur River Flow Recommendations | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Water Branch | 6/8/2017 |
| Appendix A: California Department of Fish and Wildlife Consideration of Landowner and Stakeholder Input on the September 16, 2014 Draft Big Sur River Flow Regime Recommendations Report | CDFW Consideration of Landowner and Stakeholder Input | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Water Branch | 6/8/2017 |
| Response to Comments on the September 16, 2014 Draft Instream Flow Regime Recommendations for the Big Sur River, Monterey County | Response to Comments | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 6/8/2017 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Critical Riffle Analysis for Fish Passage in California | Critical Riffle Analysis SOP | Instream Flow Program | 10/13/2017 |
| Instream Flow Evaluation: Temperature and Passage Assessment for Salmonids in Deer Creek, Tehama County | Deer Creek Technical Report | Instream Flow Program | 10/13/2017 |
| DRAFT Instream Flow Criteria: Mill Creek, Tehama County | Instream flow criteria | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Water Branch | 1/18/2018 |