| Landmark Village Revised SB 610 Water Supply Assessment | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.3, Water Resources | Valencia Water Company | 4/2009 |
| Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan, Public Hearing Presentation | Newhall Ranch RMDP and SCP Draft EIS/EIR | Davidson, J. | 6/11/2009 |
| 4.1 Surface Water Hydrology and Flood Control | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.1, Surface Water Hydrology and Flood Control | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.19 Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.19, Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 7.0 Significant Irreversible Changes, Growth Inducing Impacts, and Federal Impact Considerations | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 7.0, Significant Irreversible Changes, Growth Inducing Impacts, and Federal Impact Considerations | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.17 Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Public Safety | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.17, Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Public Safety | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.2 Geomorphology and Riparian Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.2, Geomorphology and Riparian Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.0 Environmental Impact Analysis of Alternatives and Mitigation | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.0, Environmental Impact Analysis of Alternatives and Mitigation | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 9.0 List of Preparers and Agencies/Organizations Consulted | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 9.0, List of Preparers and Agencies/Organizations Consulted | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| Notice of Intent, Notice of Preparation, Scoping Meeting Sign-In Sheet, Scoping Meeting Request To Speak/Written Comment Forms, and Related Comment Letters | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | United States Army Corps of Engineers | 2/2004 |
| Notice of Intent, Notice of Preparation, Scoping Meeting Sign-In Sheet, Scoping Meeting Transcript, and Related Comment Letters | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | United States Army Corps of Engineers | 2/2000 |
| Notice of Intent, Notice of Preparation, Scoping Meeting Sign-in Sheet, Scoping Meeting Request To Speak/Written Comment Forms, Scoping Meeting Transcript, and Related Comment Letters | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | United States Army Corps of Engineers | 8/2005 |
| Executive Summary | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Executive Summary | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| Covers | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Covers | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| Title Pages | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Title Pages | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| Table of Contents | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Table of Contents | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 1.0 Introduction | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 1.0, Introduction | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 2.0 Project Description | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 2.0, Project Description | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 3.0 Description of Alternatives | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 3.0, Description of Alternatives | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.3 Water Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.3, Water Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.4 Water Quality | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.4, Water Quality | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 2 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 1 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 3 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 4 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 5 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.5 Biological Resources Figures, Part 6 of 6 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.5, Biological Resources Figures | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.6 Jurisdictional Waters and Streams | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.6, Jurisdictional Waters and Streams | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.7 Air Quality | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.7, Air Quality | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.8 Traffic | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.8, Traffic | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.9 Noise | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.9, Noise | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.10 Cultural Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.10, Cultural Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.11 Paleontological Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.11, Paleontological Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.12 Agricultural Resources | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.12, Agricultural Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.13 Geology and Geologic Hazards | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.13, Geology and Geologic Hazards | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.14 Land Use | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.14, Land Use | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.15 Visual Resources, Part 1 of 2, Pages 1-36 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.15, Visual Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.15 Visual Resources, Part 2 of 2, Pages 37-71 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.15, Visual Resources | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.16 Parks, Recreation, and Trails | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.16, Parks, Recreation, and Trails | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.18 Public Services | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.18, Public Services | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 4.20 Solid Waste Services | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 4.20, Solid Waste Services | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 5.0 Comparison of Alternatives | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 5.0, Comparison of Alternatives | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 6.0 Cumulative Impacts | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 6.0, Cumulative Impacts | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 8.0 Global Climate Change | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 8.0, Global Climate Change | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| 10.0 References Cited | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Section 10.0, References Cited | United States Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game | 4/21/2009 |
| Correspondence and Documentation Relating to the Draft Section 2081 CESA Incidental Take Permit for San Fernando Valley Spineflower - Newhall Land Spineflower Conservation Plan | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | The Newhall Land and Farming Company and California Department of Fish and Game | 2008 |
| Mitigation Monitoring Plan for the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan and Water Reclamation Plant Revised Additional Analysis | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | County of Los Angeles | 5/2003 |
| Draft Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan, Part 1 of 2 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | Dudek | 10/2008 |
| Draft Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan, Part 2 of 2 | Newhall Ranch EIS/EIR, Appendix 1.0, Introduction | Dudek | 10/2008 |