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Habitat Tracking and Reporting (HabiTrak) - Reports

Report Criteria

City of Chula Vista
City of Coronado
City of Del Mar
City of El Cajon
City of Imperial Beach
City of La Mesa
City of Lemon Grove
City of National City
City of Poway
City of San Diego
City of Santee
County of San Diego
San Diego County Water Districts



Report Descriptions

  • Habitat Conservation Accounting Model

    This report provides information by habitat type to show if habitat preservation is occurring in rough step with development.
  • Summary of Habitat Losses and Gains

    This report summarizes the actual acres of habitats lost and conserved during the reporting period. The report indicates, by habitat type, the amount of habitat lost and conserved both inside and outside of the habitat preserve planning area.
  • Summary of Mitigation Bank Debits

    This report summarizes information for mitigation banks. For each mitigation bank the report provides a listing of the projects that used credits from the bank to mitigate for impacts due to development, and provides summary information about the bank, such as the total number of credits in the bank, credits used, and the remaining credits available. .
  • Summary of Project Gains

    This report contains a listing of all projects that conserve habitat for the reporting period. It provides some descriptive information about the project, and summarizes the acres conserved both inside and outside of the habitat preserve planning area .
  • Summary of Project Losses

    This report contains a listing of all projects that impact habitat for the reporting period. It provides some descriptive information about the project, and summarizes the acres lost both inside and outside of the habitat preserve planning area.