| GrandTab.CurrentVersion | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. and Killam, D. | 2024 |
| GrandTab.2024.05.20.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. and Killam, D. | 2024 |
| GrandTab.2022.07.20.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2022 |
| GrandTab.2021.06.30.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2021 |
| Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMPv2023 | Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMP_version2023 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/13/2024 |
| Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMPv2023 | Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMP_version2023 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/13/2024 |
| GrandTab.2023.06.26.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2023 |
| Calaveras River 2009 Fall-run Chinook Salmon Escapement | Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 10/2014 |
| 2014 Coastal Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Program | Coastal Monitoring Program | Atkinson, K. and K. Shaffer | 3/10/2014 |
| Recovery of Coded-Wire Tags from Chinook Salmon in California's Central Valley Escapment and Ocean Harvest in 2011 | Administrative Report | Melodie Palmer-Zwahlen and Brett Kormos | 12/17/2013 |
| An Empirical Approach to Estimate Juvenile Salmon Entrainment over Fremont Weir | Juvenile Chinook salmon entrainment over Fremont Weir | Jason Roberts,, Joshua Israel and Krystal Acierto | 3/2013 |
| Protocols for Monitoring the Response of Anadromous Salmon and Steelhead to Watershed Restoration in California | Reports | Walter G. Duffy | 2/13/2006 |
| Freshwater and ocean returns of marked winter-run and late fall-run chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from the Sacramento River | CalFish collection. Contact cshannon@dfg.ca.gov for assistance | Hallock, R. J. and Reisendbichler, R.R. | 1980 |
| Fall Megatable Klamath River Basin Fall Chinook Salmon Spawner Escapement, River Harvest and Run-size Estimates. | Klamath basin fall Chinook salmon run size | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2022 |
| Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMPv2022 | Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMP_version2022 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/31/2023 |
| Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMPv2022 | Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMP_version2022 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/31/2023 |
| CMP Workshop Proceedings 2021 | California Monitoring Plan | Ricker, S., Bilski, R., Lindley, C., and C. Ambrose | 2021 |
| DIDSON DEPLOYMENT AND PRELIMINARY PERFORMANCE | DIDSON | Atkinson, K., M. Lacy and Bellmer, Russ | 4/2016 |
| Annual Report, Trinity River Basin Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Project, Current Version. | Chinook Salmon Steelhead Population | Kier, M. C., J. Hileman and K. Lindke | 2021 |
| Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMPv2021 | Salmonid Population Monitoring Data Description_CMP_version2021 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/3/2022 |
| Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMPv2021 | Salmonid_Population_Monitoring_Data_CMP_version2021 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 3/3/2022 |
| California Salmonid Monitoring Program Sample Frames | monitoring | Fisheries Branch | 12/7/2021 |
| Chinook Salmon Enhancement Program: Santa Cruz Wharf Initial Study and Negative Declaration | CEQA Initial Study and Negative Declaration | Fisheries Branch | 3/24/2021 |
| Chinook Salmon Enhancement Program 2021 Public Solicitation Notice | | Kurth, R. | 8/26/2020 |
| Mainstem Eel River DIDSON Monitoring Report June 2020 | LOWER MAINSTEM EEL RIVER CHINOOK SALMON MONITORING | Kajtaniak, D and Gruver, J | 2020 |
| GrandTab.2020.05.22.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2020 |
| Spring Megatable Klamath River Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Spawner Escapement, River Harvest and Run-size Estimates. | Klamath basin spring Chinook salmon run size | Kier, Mary Claire | 2019 |
| alternate authoratative guidelines and manuals for anadromous habitat restoration | anadromous habitat restoration | Shaffer, K. | 10/7/2019 |
| Authorative Anadromous Restoration Guidelines | anadromous habitat restoration guidelines and manuals | Shaffer, K. | 9/27/2019 |
| GrandTab.2019.05.07.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2019 |
| GrandTab.2018.04.09.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2018 |
| GrandTab.2017.04.07.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2017 |
| Negative Declaration for the Fall-run Chinook Salmon Acclimation in Santa Cruz Harbor, Santa Cruz County | Ocean net pen acclimation | Fisheries Branch | 12/2016 |
| Central Valley Angler Survey Effort Distribution Model Pilot Study 2016 | Survey Methods Investigation, Chinook Salmon Harvest, Central Valley Angler Survey | Azat, J. | 2016 |
| CDFW Plan for Assessment & Management Coastal Chinook Salmon | Coastal Chinook Salmon | Michael K. Lacy Kristine Atkinson Sean P. Gallagher Brett Kormos Eric Larson George Neillands Allan Renger Seth J. Ricker Kevin E. Shaffer | 9/30/2016 |
| GrandTab.2016.04.11.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2016 |
| GrandTab.2014.04.22.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2014 |
| GrandTab.2013.04.18.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2013 |
| GrandTab.2012.04.23.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2012 |
| GrandTab.2015.04.15.pdf | Database report: Chinook Salmon Escapement Populations, Central Valley River Systems. | Azat, J. | 2015 |
| Chinook salmon monitoring in coastal streams of central California | coastal monitoring; Chinook salmon; central coast | Atkinson, K., K. Shaffer, and J. Nelson | 10/30/2014 |
| Adult Pacific Lamprey Trap Catches on Upper and Lower Redwood Creek | Adult Pacific Lamprey Trap Catches at Redwood Creek Smolt Trap | Sparkman, M. | 2014 |
| Best Management Practices to Minimize Adverse Effects to Pacific Lamprey | Pacific Lamprey Best Management Practices | Anonymous | 2010 |
| Biology Technical Note No. 51: Pacific Lamprey and NRCS: Conservation, Management and Guidelines for Instream and Riparian Activities | Pacific Lamprey Technical Note | Anonymous | 2011 |
| A Preliminary Status Review of Eulachon and Pacific Lamprey in the Klamath River Basin | Status and Review of Eulachon and Pacific Lamprey | Larson, Z. and Belchik, M. | 1998 |
| Freshwater Creek Downstream Migrant Counts of Adult and Ammocetes Lamprey | Freshwater Creek Lamprey Counts | Anderson, C. | 2014 |
| A Conceptual framework for Understanding Factors Limiting Pacific Lamprey Production in the Eel River Basin | Pacific Lamprey Conceptual Framework | Stillwater Sciences | 2014 |
| Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) Assessment and Template for Conservation Measures in California | Pacific Lamprey Assessment | Goodman, D. H. and Reid, S.B. | 2012 |
| Evaluation of Barriers to Pacific Lamprey Migration in the Eel River Basin | Evaluation of Barriers to Pacific Lamprey | Stillwater Sciences | 2014 |
| Pacific Lamprey in the Eel River Basin: A Summary of Current Information and Identification of Research Needs | Pacific Lamprey in the Eel River Basin | Stillwater Sciences | 2010 |