| Overview of Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria Report Methodology | Instream flow regime criteria | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Instream Flow Program | 11/15/2024 |
| CDFW Water Rights Coordinator Contacts | CDFW Water Rights Coordinator Contacts | McDougall, L. | 11/13/2024 |
| CDFW Water Right Coordinator Map | CDFW Water Right Coordinator Map | McDougall, L. | 11/13/2024 |
| CDFW Water Rights Consultation Factsheet | Water Rights Factsheet | Lillian McDougall | 7/31/2024 |
| 2023 Instream Flow Program Annual Report | Instream Flow Program Annual Report | McDougall, Lillian and Drescher, Brionna | 4/22/2024 |
| Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem Fact Sheet | Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem Fact Sheet | CDFW Instream Flow Program | 4/15/2024 |
| Study Plan: Instream Flow Evaluation for Clear Lake Hitch Passage in Tributaries of the Clear Lake Watershed, Lake County | Clear Lake Study Plan | Instream Flow Program | 2/6/2024 |
| Instream Flow Program Quality Assurance Plan | Instream Flow Program Quality Assurance Plan | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 7/27/2023 |
| Clear Lake Public Meeting Notification Letter | Public outreach | CDFW | 1/25/2024 |
| Clear Lake Watershed study area map | Map | CDFW Instream Flow Program | 1/2024 |
| Instream Flow and Habitat Suitability Criteria | Instream Flow and Habitat Suitability Criteria | Casares, Hanna and Gephart, Nicole | 8/24/2023 |
| Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Ventura River | Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Ventura River | Cowan, William | 6/19/2023 |
| 2022 Instream Flow Program Annual Report | Instream Flow Program Annual Report | Lillian McDougall | 6/7/2023 |
| Instream Flow Evaluation: Southern California Steelhead Adult Spawning and Juvenile Rearing in San Antonio Creek, Ventura County | San Antonio Technical Report | Michael Maher, William Cowan, Bronwen Stanford, Hanna Casares, Lanette Richardson and Robert Holmes | 11/22/2021 |
| DRAFT Instream flow regime recommendations for the lower Ventura River, Ventura County | Instream flow recommendations | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/26/2021 |
| State Water Project Effects on Longfin Smelt and Delta Smelt | | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5/3/2020 |
| Watershed Criteria Fact Sheet | Watershed Instream Flow Criteria | Water Branch Instream Flow QA Program | 2/25/2020 |
| Delta Conservation Framework - Flier | Delta Conservation Framework | Sloop, Christina | 7/2016 |
| California Department of Fish and Wildlife Instream Flow Program 2015 Year Review | Annual Report 2015 | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 2/2016 |
| Instream Flow Evaluation Steelhead Spawning and Rearing BIG SUR RIVER, Monterey County | Instream Flow, Steelhead, Big Sur River Flow Criteria | Holmes, R., and W. Cowan | 7/2014 |
| Instream Flow Program Spring 2014 Update | Instream Flow Program QA Program FAQ # 2 Spring 2014 | Holmes, R. | 6/25/2014 |
| Deer Creek Study Plan | Deer Creek Study Plan | Instream Flow Program | 6/9/2014 |
| CDFW Instream Flow Program Annual Report 2013 | Instream Flow | Instream Flow Program | 6/2014 |
| Butte Creek Study Plan | Butte Creek Study Plan | Instream Flow Program | 2/2014 |
| Instream Flow Program Fall 2013 Update | Instream Flow Program QA Program FAQ #1 Fall 2013 | Holmes, R. | 11/14/2013 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Flow Duration Analysis in California | Flow Duration Analysis SOP | Holmes, R. | 10/2013 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Streambed and Water Surface Elevation Data Collection in California | Differential Leveling SOP | Holmes, R. | 10/2013 |
| June-July 1992 Stream Survey Report of Lower Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County | Scott Creek Stream Survey 1992 | CA Department of Fish and Game | 12/1992 |
| The Relationship Between Instream Flow and Coho Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Availability in Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, California | Scott Creek Instream Flow Study | CA Department of Fish and Game | 4/1995 |
| Extension of Public Comment Period for Draft Scott Creek Flow Recommendations | Extension of Public Comment Period | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 1/2013 |
| Draft Scott Creek Flow Recommendations Public Comment Letter | Public Comment Period Letter | California Department of Fish and Wildlife | 4/2012 |
| Standard Operating Procedure for Critical Riffle Analysis for Fish Passage in California | Critical Riffle Analysis | Robert Holmes, CDFW | 2/28/2013 |
| Draft Instream Flow Recommendations for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County | Scott Creek Draft Flow Recommendations | Department of Fish and Game | 11/14/2012 |
| Two-dimensional Modeling Fact Sheet | 2D modeling fact sheet | Cowan, William | 12/29/2022 |
| Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria for Mark West Creek | Watershed criteria report | Windell, S., J. Allen and B. Drescher | 6/21/2022 |
| Instream flow evaluation: Juvenile rearing of steelhead and Coho Salmon in upper Mark West Creek, Sonoma County - Appendices | Appendices to Mark West Creek Technical Report | Carlin, T., W. Cowan, B. Stanford, J. Allen and N. Gephart | 8/2022 |
| Instream flow evaluation: Juvenile rearing of steelhead and Coho Salmon in upper Mark West Creek, Sonoma County | Mark West Creek Technical Report | Carlin, T., W. Cowan, B. Stanford, J. Allen and N. Gephart | 8/2022 |
| Mark West Creek, Russian River Watershed Map | Map | CDFW Instream Flow Program | 8/2022 |
| Public informational meeting notification for Mark West Creek watershed reports | Public outreach | CDFW Instream Flow Program | 8/8/2022 |
| Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria for the West Fork San Gabriel River | Watershed Flow Criteria for the WF San Gabriel River | Obester, A. and L. McDougall | 4/29/2021 |
| Hydraulic Model Calibration Report for Instream Flow Evaluation: Juvenile Steelhead and Coho Salmon Rearing | Calibration report | Cowan, W. | 4/2021 |
| Instream flow evaluation: Juvenile steelhead and Coho Salmon rearing in Redwood Creek, Humboldt County - Appendices | Appendices to Redwood Creek Technical Report | Maher, M., H. Casares, P. Uttley, B. Stanford, W. Cowan, and D. Haas | 10/2021 |
| Instream flow evaluation: Juvenile steelhead and Coho Salmon rearing in Redwood Creek, Humboldt County. | Redwood Creek Technical Report | Maher, M., H. Casares, P. Uttley, B. Stanford, W. Cowan, and D. Haas | 10/2021 |
| Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria for the South Fork Eel River | Watershed criteria report | Obester, A., L. McDougall, B. Drescher, and A. Villalobos. | 11/2021 |
| Public informational meeting notification - SF Eel River watershed | Public outreach | CDFW Instream Flow Program | 6/14/2022 |
| Overview of the DFG Instream Flow Program and Public Resources Code (PRC) 10000-10005 | Instream Flow Program | Holmes, R. | 4/5/2012 |
| Development of a Quality Assurance System for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Instream Flow Program | Quality Assurance Program | B. van Buuren, R. Holmes | 10/2014 |
| Assessing Aquatic Habitat Connectivity and Low-flow Ecological Thresholds | Instream Flow Program | Holmes, R. | 11/18/2014 |
| Quantifying Flow Criteria for Fish and Wildlife and their Habitats | Instream Flow Methods Presentation (NCRWQCB) | Robert Holmes, CDFW | 3/11/2015 |
| Stream Flows for Steelhead: Methods to Identify Instream Flow Needs in the Ventura River Watershed Poster | Instream flow | Ingrassia, D., D. Haas, and M. Larson | 4/2019 |